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Humax 1100S+ HDR -1tb

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    Posts: 17


    Here in SW France, have now lost every HD Channel, apart from HD channel 5, funnily enough. The receiver is not receiving a signal or the signal is too weak.
    Called in the local fixers here, a company called "Pulsat", and they did in fact replace my old twin lnb (which was in fact duff), and re-aligned the dish accordingly.
    €141 later and l still have the same problem.
    The signal strength on both cables is good by the way.
    "Pulsat" didn't really know what the problem was, and have gone away to think about it. Here in France, you get the deep intake of breath, a shrug of the shoulders, and then they say that you may need a new box!
    Well a new equivalent box here will cost me €600!
    I've heard rumors that Humax/Freesat are going their different ways, so what box should l get which will give me BBC1/2/3/4 and ITV1 all in HD?
    Replies appreciated, thank you.

    | Thu 15 Jun 2023 20:48:38 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    willythecat - 12 hours ago  » 
    Here in SW France, have now lost every HD Channel, apart from HD channel 5, funnily enough. The receiver is not receiving a signal or the signal is too weak.

    Interestingly most BBC HD channels are from the Astra 2E satellite but Channel 5 HD is from Astra 2G. Have you tried BBC Four HD or BBC News HD which also some form Astra 2G?

    Called in the local fixers here, a company called "Pulsat", and they did in fact replace my old twin lnb (which was in fact duff), and re-aligned the dish accordingly.

    How big is the dish? When did you lose the HD channels?

    I've heard rumors that Humax/Freesat are going their different ways, so what box should l get which will give me BBC1/2/3/4 and ITV1 all in HD?

    Humax and Freesat went their separate ways some years ago. My suspicion is that a new box will not help.

    | Fri 16 Jun 2023 9:48:52 #2 |
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    Joined: Dec '13
    Posts: 17


    Thanks for your reply Martin.
    As you suggested, have tried both BBC4HD and BBC NewsHD and they both come up with the receiver is not receiving etc etc.
    GBNewsHD only works from about 4 o'clock in the afternoon, and TalkTV (not even HD) has never worked at all.
    Dish size? Err um, it's at least a metre though, and there is nothing blocking it
    (ie a tree).
    It started happening when the BBC changed all of its channels to HD only.
    I don't know what satellite they are aligning it to at the moment, so when "pulsat" return, perhaps l should get them to try aligning it with the Astra 2E satellite?
    Not too bothered whether channel5HD will work or not, albeit strange that it does, as l can always get it on Channel 5+1 which works fine!
    I also understand that weather plays a part, but at the moment we have clear blue skies, and not a cloud in sight.

    | Fri 16 Jun 2023 15:21:13 #3 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    willythecat - 4 hours ago  » 
    Dish size? Err um, it's at least a metre though, and there is nothing blocking it
    (ie a tree).

    Worth discussing with Pulsat.

    I don't know what satellite they are aligning it to at the moment, so when "pulsat" return, perhaps l should get them to try aligning it with the Astra 2E satellite?

    Again worth discussing with Pulsat.

    | Fri 16 Jun 2023 20:21:10 #4 |

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