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humax 9150t freeview recorder

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    Joined: Jul '12
    Posts: 1


    Hello all,
    I need some advice. My Humax9150T freeview recorder has started behaving strangely. Yesterday (Monday July 30th 2012) I noticed that when I recorded the simpsons on Channel 4 (uk) it has placed it in the audio and overwritten the proms 2012 part 2 that I have recorded on BBC Radio 3 (uk). I have tried updating the software over the air but it states software up to date. Iam going to try updating the software via the computer using 9pin "D" connector. I have changed connections around from aerial so it goes like this

    1. Aerial to Humax 9150T
    2. Humax 9150t to VCR

    even today (Tuesday July 31st 2012) it did the same thing. I know because I brought the recorded show list and it only had one Show "CSI MIAMI which was on saturday). I like to record my shows like the simpsons so I can watch 30 minutes later.

    Any advice and simple format please.

    one mythed viewer

    | Tue 31 Jul 2012 18:17:23 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    newuser31555 - 30 minutes ago  » 
    Yesterday (Monday July 30th 2012) I noticed that when I recorded the simpsons on Channel 4 (uk) it has placed it in the audio and overwritten the proms 2012 part 2 that I have recorded on BBC Radio 3 (uk).

    Well known problem. The file system is corrupt. The only easy way to fix it is to watch any important recordings and then format the disk from the HDD Control menu.

    | Tue 31 Jul 2012 18:49:56 #2 |

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