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Humax 9400T

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    We have three Humax 9400T PVRs. Two of them have developed faults so that at random times they wipe everything except Channel numbers and previously recorded programmes from memory. First sign is that when I turn on the Display is obviously incorrect, then I see that the list of future recordings has been deleted together with any time related settings such as instant rewind or insyant fast forward.

    I know these PVRs are old (so are my wife and I combined age 158) but want to avoid the expense of replacement if there is some way of repairing. Any techinical people who can offer suggestions would be welcomed. Fortunately although we have 3 PVRs we only use two at any one time so can cope with one at a time out of use.

    | Wed 10 Jan 2024 14:27:01 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Grahambute - 3 hours ago  » 
    We have three Humax 9400T PVRs. Two of them have developed faults so that at random times they wipe everything except Channel numbers and previously recorded programmes from memory. First sign is that when I turn on the Display is obviously incorrect, then I see that the list of future recordings has been deleted together with any time related settings such as instant rewind or instant fast forward.
    I know these PVRs are old (so are my wife and I combined age 158) but want to avoid the expense of replacement if there is some way of repairing.

    Are you sure that they are 9400T which wasn't sold in the UK? The 9300T is known to have a problem with losing the schedule of recordings which is stored in flash RAM; as Humax were never interested in fixing the problem, I have a suspicion that it is a hardware issue and probably only fixable with a new motherboard which I doubt are available. The recordings are stored on a conventional hard drive which is why they are not affected.

    | Wed 10 Jan 2024 18:24:45 #2 |
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    Thanks for that, it is 9300T as you guessed. Unlikely that new Motherboard is available so guess I need to buy new one.

    | Wed 10 Jan 2024 20:06:14 #3 |

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