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Humax DTR T1000 - not happy

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    Just got a new Humax pvr box the dtr t1000, this was to replace my failing 9200T. Must say I'm very dissapointed, lots of useful features gone, 30sec time skip for adverts, no channel favourites, can't delete any unwanted channels or re-order them. Also I think the epg on my old box was better, and thats after using it for 3hrs!
    I read some threads from last year about the same complaints (unfortunately after I bought it)and people hoping for some update to come out.
    Please advise on my next action,

    1) Has there been an update I can load onto it?
    2) I could return the box and change it for another model, but which?
    3) I nearly bought a Panasonic DMR-HW220 maybe I should have!

    thanks for any advise.

    | Sat 1 Jun 2013 8:57:53 #1 |
  2. Barry


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    Welcome to the Forum

    There is a fixed skip function of 60 secs forward 30 secs back using the |<< >>| keys. Also you can hide channels via Guide, not very user friendly but the option is there.

    Latest software version:

    Manufacturer Software: 12.7.10
    Component Software: 1.4.10
    Platform configuration: 451
    ISP Configuration: (varies by ISP)

    You can check these via Youview, Settings, System Information, Software versions.

    | Sat 1 Jun 2013 9:11:21 #2 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    andy96j - 11 minutes ago  » 
    2) I could return the box and change it for another model, but which?

    Take it back and get a Humax HDR-FOX T2. This has all the features you are missing and works in a similar manner to the 9200 but with lots of improvements. The main feature that is missing compared to the Youview box is that the only catch up service is BBC IPlayer. There is also a user community developed custom firmware for the HDR which works alongside the standard firmware to provide further enhancements.

    | Sat 1 Jun 2013 9:14:12 #3 |
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    Thanks for the replys, if you hide channels via the guide does it remove them from the epg list or are they just disabled? Just need to get rid of all the shopping channels!!! Also what about the program recording overrun feature I had on the 9200, can't see it on the T1000.
    Is the fox2 a better option? Also has anyone tried the Panasonic 220 or similar?


    | Sat 1 Jun 2013 9:52:29 #4 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    andy96j - 4 minutes ago  » 
    Is the fox2 a better option?

    Yes; see my answer above.

    | Sat 1 Jun 2013 9:57:24 #5 |
  6. Barry


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    Hide channels removes them from the EPG list.

    No padding options available on Youview, and never likely to be, also no manual timers, no edit timers.

    As per Martin, I would go for the HDR T2.

    | Sat 1 Jun 2013 9:59:06 #6 |
  7. grahamlthompson


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    Add a 3rd vote for the HDR FOX T2.

    With the free Custom Firmware installed it's a great PVR.

    | Sat 1 Jun 2013 10:58:59 #7 |
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    Thanks for that, looks like I'll have to box it up and return it then, the Fox T2 it is.
    Any opinions on the latest panasonic gear? I hear they have given Humax a good run for there money with the lastest spec stuff. (I know its a Humax forum!)

    | Sat 1 Jun 2013 16:00:02 #8 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    andy96j - 49 minutes ago  » 
    Any opinions on the latest panasonic gear? I hear they have given Humax a good run for there money with the lastest spec stuff.

    You are much more likely to get a sensible answer on a Panasonic Forum. Personally I gave up trying to find the absolute best of everything some time ago. These days I settle for plenty good enough and the HDR-FOX T2 meets that criterion for us. It is a mature product with relatively few quirks (and some of the quirks are addressed by the custom firmware) and reasonably reliable. The most commonly reported problems are hard drive related and as these are commodity parts are likely to affect all PVR manufacturers. The custom firmware provides excellent tools to monitor the health of the hard drive and fix problems caused by minor disk faults (like sectors pending reallocation) without losing recordings.

    | Sat 1 Jun 2013 16:55:00 #9 |
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    Ok thanks, I've just been trawling through the reviews,and its seems if you've never had a Humax the Panasonic's are good. Anyone who has swapped to a Panasonic from Humax has regretted it. Looks like I'm off to swap it for the HDR Fox T2 job done.
    Would you go for the extra space of the 1TB model or is 500gb plenty? (we found the 160gb ok on the 9200T but we did'nt have HD to think about).

    Thanks again

    | Sat 1 Jun 2013 17:01:13 #10 |

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