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Humax DTR T1000 - not happy

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    Martin Liddle

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    andy96j - 13 minutes ago  » 
    Would you go for the extra space of the 1TB model or is 500gb plenty? (we found the 160gb ok on the 9200T but we did'nt have HD to think about).

    A matter of personal preference and viewing habits. We have the 1TB model but could probably manage with the 500MB model.

    | Sat 1 Jun 2013 17:17:01 #11 |
  2. FenderBender


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    andy96j - 37 minutes ago  » 
    Would you go for the extra space of the 1TB model or is 500gb plenty? (we found the 160gb ok on the 9200T but we did'nt have HD to think about).
    Thanks again

    I always say you should go for the best you can afford. I think the 1TB model is worth the extra.

    | Sat 1 Jun 2013 17:39:33 #12 |
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    Can anyone forsee me having any problems with the shop returning/exchanging the dtr t1000? Not exactly sure what the consumer rights are.

    | Sat 1 Jun 2013 18:07:31 #13 |
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    Got it changed today for the HDR Fox T2 the 1Tb.

    Can you advise the best way to get the latest humax upates plus the custom update and anything else I need before I get it set up.

    I used to update my 9200T with my pc as it never did it throught the ariel for some reason.


    | Sun 2 Jun 2013 13:20:41 #14 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    andy96j - 2 minutes ago  » 
    Got it changed today for the HDR Fox T2 the 1Tb.
    Can you advise the best way to get the latest humax upates plus the custom update and anything else I need before I get it set up.

    The latest software is 1.02.32; it may be installed on the box. If not you can download it from

    I would suggest getting used to the standard firmware before installing the custom firmware (The user interface on the TV looks identical with or without the custom firmware; the additional features of the custom firmware are accessed via a web browser from a PC etc); when you are ready you can get it from

    I think you talked about adding padding to recordings but I suggest you experiment with relying on accurate recording without padding which works very well for us on the HDR.

    | Sun 2 Jun 2013 13:30:48 #15 |
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    Ok thanks I'll plug it in and see whats on there, will it put the latest software on itself via the ariel using the update scan or does it need to be via pc?

    Why is it not good to use the padding? I just found it useful if the program ended after it should have, in the case of my 9200T it would chop the end off! or is the new box more inteligent?

    | Sun 2 Jun 2013 13:42:40 #16 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    andy96j - 30 minutes ago  » 
    Ok thanks I'll plug it in and see whats on there, will it put the latest software on itself via the ariel using the update scan or does it need to be via pc?

    An manual update scan will only pick up updates when they are being transmitted which is typically only for two or three days every couple of months. In addition for some unfathomable reason 1.02.32 has not been transmitted so far although it is being installed on production boxes.

    Why is it not good to use the padding? I just found it useful if the program ended after it should have, in the case of my 9200T it would chop the end off! or is the new box more inteligent?

    The 9200 had a bug that could in some circumstances lead to it chopping off program endings; the implementation of accurate recording is much better on the HDR. If you have padding then you greatly increase the possibility of scheduling clashes. The choice is yours; all I am saying is that don't automatically assume that you need to use work arounds that may been important on the 9200. Try it without and then implement them where you find the need.

    | Sun 2 Jun 2013 14:18:58 #17 |
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    Ok thanks, the software version is 1.02.29 so I guess it needs sorting via my pc.

    Also its very much like my 9200T I can work my way round very easily. The T1000 was different altogether.

    | Sun 2 Jun 2013 14:29:08 #18 |
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    Is the manual tuning still the preferred method of channel searching?

    | Sun 2 Jun 2013 14:36:44 #19 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    andy96j - 5 minutes ago  » 
    Is the manual tuning still the preferred method of channel searching?

    With 1.02.29 yes. 1.02.32 is far better at automatic tuning and with that version manual tuning is unnecessary for most people.

    | Sun 2 Jun 2013 14:43:41 #20 |

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