My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » FVP 4000T, 5000T


FVP 4000T has just updated itself automatically to 1.01.11

(3 posts)
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    special member
    Joined: Dec '15
    Posts: 510


    I switched on this morning and the box must have updated itself automatically since I used it last night or when I switched it on this morning. It is connected to the internet.

    I got a new splash screen explaining the new interface (which is not that new for me as I was on the trial).

    The software is listed as 1.01.11 and dated 27 April 2016.

    | Wed 18 May 2016 8:59:17 #1 |
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    special member
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    Posts: 108


    JohnH77 - 37 minutes ago  » 
    I switched on this morning and the box must have updated itself automatically since I used it last night or when I switched it on this morning. It is connected to the internet.
    I got a new splash screen explaining the new interface (which is not that new for me as I was on the trial).
    The software is listed as 1.01.11 and dated 27 April 2016.

    John .... there is a thread above devoted entirely to this topic.:-)


    | Wed 18 May 2016 9:37:42 #2 |
  3. Barry


    senior admin
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    RichardS-UK - 1 minute ago  » 

    JohnH77 - 37 minutes ago  » 
    I switched on this morning and the box must have updated itself automatically since I used it last night or when I switched it on this morning. It is connected to the internet.
    I got a new splash screen explaining the new interface (which is not that new for me as I was on the trial).
    The software is listed as 1.01.11 and dated 27 April 2016.

    John .... there is a thread above devoted entirely to this topic.:-)

    Indeed, so I'll close this one. Continue in thread Richard has mentioned currently 'stuck' to top of Forum:

    | Wed 18 May 2016 9:40:30 #3 |

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