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HUMAX HDR FOX T2 won't start while recording

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    Gerry Chuck

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    Joined: Aug '17
    Posts: 2


    Hi everyone

    I bought this second hand Humax HDR FOX-T2 from my local BHF shop and was chuffed to bits with its looks and abilities. It seemed to be a good replacement for my ageing, but reliable Humax 9100T, but now I notice that:

    - it won't start in case something is being recorded (the light turns blue and than goes back to red again),

    - the recordings that have started while it was turned on as I was watching something else on some other channel, not watchable. I get recordings full of horizontal lines, distorted sound, picture skipping.

    Is this a common curse of this model? Any workarounds that someone might suggest? Or should I just not bother and ask for my money back.

    Hope someone can help.

    | Sun 29 Sep 2019 17:26:05 #1 |
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    special member
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    Posts: 374


    Hi Gerry,

    I don't have one of these but am used to pvrs. I assume you have checked the basics first, but worth checking:

    1. Have you been able to factory reset the pvr? Maybe the previous owner has left schedules still on pvr? Just a thought.

    2. maintenance mode reset:

    3. Have you retuned box. I assume if you have purchased 2nd hand it was from another region? Might be a good idea to UNPLUG aerial feed, retune without aerial lead to clear channel memory & then REPLUG aerial lead into pvr & retune again.
    Might help with regards channel conflicts. Let us know how you get on. John

    | Sun 29 Sep 2019 19:09:07 #2 |
  3. grahamlthompson


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    jdlfreetime - 32 mins ago  » 
    Hi Gerry,
    I don't have one of these but am used to pvrs. I assume you have checked the basics first, but worth checking:
    1. Have you been able to factory reset the pvr? Maybe the previous owner has left schedules still on pvr? Just a thought.
    2. maintenance mode reset:

    The HDR-FOX-T2 is an earlier box than the HDR-2000T though the UI is similar.

    3. Have you retuned box. I assume if you have purchased 2nd hand it was from another region? Might be a good idea to UNPLUG aerial feed, retune without aerial lead to clear channel memory & then REPLUG aerial lead into pvr & retune again.
    Might help with regards channel conflicts. Let us know how you get on. John

    The HDR-FOX-T2 is an earlier box than the HDR-2000T than the one you posted a link to though the UI is similar.

    First thing the OP should post is the current software version from the box menus.

    This post however is correct the first thing you should do is a reset to factory defaults.

    The channel list data is likely way out of date by now.

    After this post the highest channel number in your epg. Just to check your location does not receive from multiple transmitters.

    | Sun 29 Sep 2019 19:49:03 #3 |
  4. Trev


    special member
    Joined: Apr '18
    Posts: 530


    Bear bin mind that it is pretty easy to mistake the orange 'standby' ring for the red 'record' ring.
    When yo try to record a programme and it's faulty, can you watch that channel (not necessarily at exactly the same time. i.e. Is it the signal that is faulty or the recording (possible HDD fault)

    | Mon 30 Sep 2019 7:02:30 #4 |

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