My Humax Forum » Freeview SD » PVR 9150T, 9200T, 9300T

HUMAX PVR 9200T update

(14 posts)
  1. Biggles


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    In normal operation the guide is cached to the hard disk when the machine is put into STANDBY and is available very quickly at next switch-on.

    | Mon 28 Oct 2013 12:50:03 #11 |
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    Joined: Oct '13
    Posts: 37


    Hi thanks for your speedy responses the machine is up and running for some reason the guide was not being held, but after it did it's update at 4pm last night it's there now very quickly, the clock is working, I used a product called Flux Off borrowed from a mate it was an aerosol with a small brush attacthed to it, one more question can the fan be made to work like the 9150T model, that is so it does not run all the time

    | Tue 29 Oct 2013 12:13:10 #12 |
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    bw78007 - 53 minutes ago  » 
    can the fan be made to work like the 9150T model, that is so it does not run all the time

    What some people did was to add a physical mod to the fan using a Zalman fanmate.
    The main discussions were held on the now defunct forum.
    But see these two links:

    | Tue 29 Oct 2013 13:11:41 #13 |
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    Joined: Oct '13
    Posts: 37


    Hi I have been on a site for Grundig PVR owners it's now who do the software I have found a mod on there for making the fan temp controlled by adding a small leccy part

    | Thu 31 Oct 2013 13:27:35 #14 |

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