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HUMAX PVR has died!

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    Sorry for the silly question but my FVP 4000T PVR has just died on me after 4 years, so I wondered what is the usual life span for these machines? Has it been a good run or is this a premature death?

    And is it possible to retrieve the programmes on the HD or are they gone for good too?

    Thanks in advance.

    | Thu 28 Oct 2021 17:25:16 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    MIB - 2 hours ago  » 
    Sorry for the silly question but my FVP 4000T PVR has just died on me after 4 years, so I wondered what is the usual life span for these machines? Has it been a good run or is this a premature death?

    What are the symptoms please? I would say an average life for a Humax PVR would be roughly ten years but the hard drives often fail sooner but are relatively easy to replace.

    And is it possible to retrieve the programmes on the HD or are they gone for good too?

    Because of the encryption which is tied to a particular machine, I suspect they are gone.

    | Thu 28 Oct 2021 19:46:14 #2 |
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    Thanks for the reply.

    The symptoms are no power.

    I was watching TV when the signal went and because this always happens when the box switches on, I thought it was updating or rebooting, but when the red light (it was off at the time) didn't come back on and neither did the TV signal, I knew the box was dead.

    I did try a manual reboot to see if it was that sort of glitch but no dice, it's dead. Bereft of life, it ceases to be, etc...

    Shame about the HD, I have 4 years of films and TV shows I never got round to watch...

    | Thu 28 Oct 2021 20:00:14 #3 |
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    It wasn't a silly question, but this is probably a silly answer, and that is - have you checked the fuse in the plug>

    | Fri 29 Oct 2021 11:06:44 #4 |
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    Well, the plug is impossible to get into but we did run it against a multimeter which I think showed some life, so I am still of the opinion something in the box itself has bitten the dust.

    Thanks for the suggestion.

    | Fri 29 Oct 2021 12:08:28 #5 |
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    Could it be the power supply unit has died, rather than the box itself, or the power plug on the back of the box has become slightly unplugged?

    | Fri 29 Oct 2021 13:24:17 #6 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    MIB - 1 hour ago  » 
    Well, the plug is impossible to get into but we did run it against a multimeter which I think showed some life, so I am still of the opinion something in the box itself has bitten the dust.

    Can you be more precise about the signs of life; ie what DC voltage were you seeing?

    | Fri 29 Oct 2021 13:28:55 #7 |
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    I have to confess I am not a techy so my father did it (he's is a former electronics engineer but currently not in the best of health), and he said it showed 12.15 with no load (lode?) whatever that means.

    | Fri 29 Oct 2021 13:40:05 #8 |
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    A1944 - 16 mins ago  » 
    Could it be the power supply unit has died, rather than the box itself, or the power plug on the back of the box has become slightly unplugged?

    The plug in the back of the box was the first thing I checked when it went down and it was fully inserted.

    | Fri 29 Oct 2021 13:41:51 #9 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    MIB - 2 hours ago  » 
    I have to confess I am not a techy so my father did it (he's is a former electronics engineer but currently not in the best of health), and he said it showed 12.15 with no load (lode?) whatever that means.

    It is a 12V power supply so 12.15V on no load sounds fine. I tend to agree with your initial diagnosis that something within the box has failed.

    | Fri 29 Oct 2021 15:59:57 #10 |

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