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Humax starts late

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    The Humax FVP5000 often starts when a program is actually running, so I miss any details at the beginning. Also, it occasionally ends early. I missed the last ten minutes of Vigil, the last episode!
    Any ideas? Would a factory reset help?

    | Thu 28 Dec 2023 9:37:22 #1 |
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    Have you tried adding a few minutes to the beginning and end of recordings? (Settings - PVR Settings - Recording Options).

    | Thu 28 Dec 2023 11:13:08 #2 |
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    That would only mess up future recordings. Having a hearing problem, I record everything.

    | Thu 28 Dec 2023 11:52:37 #3 |
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    That episode of Vigil started later than usual because the previous programme (Sports personality of the year) overran. Unfortunately when "accurate recording" is being used the PVR5000T does not handle delays well, surprising given that is what the system is for!

    In case you don't know "accurate recording" is the system where the broadcaster puts a signal in the data to tell the PVR to start recording. The BBC would have delayed that start signal until about 2110 and the PVR should have recorded until the 10 o'clock news started at about 2210 thus ensuring a complete recording of the Vigil episode.

    However the Humax PVR will only wait for up to 5 minutes for a start signal and then it just starts recording anyway. When it does this "I'll just start anyway thing" the PVR does not wait for the delayed end and only records to the original end time, in your case 2200 and I can say with complete confidence that your recording would have for 55 minutes from 2105 to 2200 because I have experienced this myself many many times.

    There is nothing you could have done to fix this except to pad the recording manually and you wouldn't have done that unless you knew it was going to be delayed!

    | Thu 28 Dec 2023 14:49:17 #4 |
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    Unfortunately, this doesn't explain why it misses the start of programs, or in some cases, only records as little as 12 min of a program. This doesn't happen very often, though.
    Would a factory reset help?

    | Thu 28 Dec 2023 15:03:36 #5 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    inspector - 3 hours ago  » 
    Unfortunately, this doesn't explain why it misses the start of programs, or in some cases, only records as little as 12 min of a program. This doesn't happen very often, though.
    Would a factory reset help?

    The thing most likely to help would be a manual tune to ensure you are receiving from a single transmitter: see (note the first URL is now and take the Detailed Transmitter Option. Note this won't help if the reason for missing part of a programme is due to a late change in start or finish time; sadly the FVP-5000T is less capable in this respect than the earlier HDR-FOX T2 or the broadcaster uses incorrect data. User prpr over at has software that monitors the broadcast data and can confirm whether or not it was correct.

    | Thu 28 Dec 2023 19:10:06 #6 |
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    To add a bit more on the part of your question I was hoping to ignore!

    If a recording starts exactly 5 minutes late this may be due to
    1) a late start signal as mentioned in my previous answer
    2) a start signal with an incorrect programme identifier. When a programme is selected for recording from the EPG, the PVR stores an identifier (called a CRID). If the broadcaster then changes the CRID, for reasons unknown to man or beast, the start signal will not match the stored value and will be ignored, but the PVR will still start recording after 5 minutes. This is what Martin refers to in his answer.

    Some channels don't synchronise the accurate recording signals and just send the signal at the EPG start time. If the programmes never start early or overrun the time slot then this will not matter but unfortunately some do and the recording will then be clipped. For example the Great! channels rarely overrun but do occasionally start 30 seconds early.

    As for truncated recordings the only reason I can rationalise is that the PVR has crashed and rebooted itself. Very rarely I have recordings stop after about 1 minute without a crash and I have no idea what causes this.

    In the four years that I have had the 5000T I have never done a factory reset but apart from the inconvenience of retuning it cannot do any harm. What I do frequently is a full mains power off restart and that should be the first thing to try if the PVR is misbehaving.

    Hope this helps a bit. I know some of it is fairly vague and hand wavy.

    | Thu 28 Dec 2023 22:04:33 #7 |
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    "a full mains power off restart ", is that what I call unplug, wait, plug back in?
    I use this when it starts doing strange things, or when it won't respond.
    Also "four years that I have had the 5000T"?? I haven't had a 5000 that has lasted 4 years. 2 or 3 times it has been a hard disk failure.
    I always used to manually retune, but lately, because of my advancing years, I have taken the easy option of an automatic retune.
    I will try the manual retune for now. Thank you for your replies / suggestions.

    | Fri 29 Dec 2023 10:21:39 #8 |

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