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humax switching off

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    The Humax box switches itself off after one hour, We have tried everything but can't solve this. It's very strange that all recordings are fully recorded but on viewing all goes blank at one hour. On rebooting all is OK and it resumes. The same with watching a program.

    Any thoughts?

    | Mon 24 Jul 2017 11:13:35 #1 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    Hi welcome to our forum.

    Long shot

    Check Settings - System Settings - Automatic Power Down is off.

    Other than that make a note of your recording schedule (Photograph with digital camera) and then carry out a reset to factory defaults.

    | Mon 24 Jul 2017 13:01:17 #2 |
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    Thanks for the thoughts. This is a brand new box. The last one did the same and was returned to Humax. We've tried power down off and it makes no difference. We'll try your suggestion.

    | Mon 24 Jul 2017 13:29:29 #3 |
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    Another long shot.

    If HDMI CEC is active on your TV you could try turning it off

    | Mon 24 Jul 2017 14:17:28 #4 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    cornardtye - 3 hours ago  » 
    The Humax box switches itself off after one hour, We have tried everything but can't solve this. It's very strange that all recordings are fully recorded but on viewing all goes blank at one hour.

    Is it exactly an hour or does it differ a bit? What happens to the lights on the box when this happens?

    | Mon 24 Jul 2017 14:21:45 #5 |
  6. grahamlthompson


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    Two boxes same symptoms smacks of a local issue. Perhaps a rogue source of infra red. If you cover the front of the box with a piece of cardboard does it still shutdown. Is it very close to a WiFi router or a Digital cordless phone base station, if so try moving them ?

    You could try changing the infra red remote control operating mode.

    | Mon 24 Jul 2017 15:21:53 #6 |
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    we've tried moving things. the weird thing is that now it can go all day fine and then the next day cut after 1 hour. We've given up! We'll have to live with it. I understand from friends who have humax that the boxes are liable to do odd things, but it's this or pay sky an exorbitant amount.

    | Sat 29 Jul 2017 11:07:40 #7 |


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    Did you try turning off HDMI-CEC on the TV as per post 4?
    Think I would also try resting the remote so that it facing away from the unit.

    | Sat 29 Jul 2017 11:22:49 #8 |

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