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Humax usb drive

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    Joined: Nov '11
    Posts: 16


    I am looking to get a usb drive for my HD Fox T2 and was thinking of getting the 160Gb drive offered by humax. Has anyone got one? Is it powered over usb rather than having its own power supply? Anyone got any other recommendations? I would prefer usb powered if possible. I tried using an old western digital I had lying around but it died after about 1 day of usage.


    | Mon 6 Feb 2012 12:03:33 #1 |
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    It's not a good time to buy drives at the moment due to the floods in Thailand. I bought a 500GB Seagate Expansion USB powered drive last year for about £40, but they are considerably more today (£65-£70). Prices may fall as the factories come back on stream. Any make of USB powered drive should be suitable, the Humax can supply up to 800ma according to the manual.

    | Mon 6 Feb 2012 14:03:11 #2 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    bmax - 54 minutes ago  » 
    Prices may fall as the factories come back on stream.

    I am quite certain they will fall as there will be massive over supply before too long.

    | Mon 6 Feb 2012 14:58:36 #3 |
  4. myhumax


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    I wouldn't really like to rush out and buy cheap hard disk drives once the shortage is over... isn't there a risk of poor quality products being manufactured quickly under the high demand?

    Anyway, here's a 2.5" 500GB USB powered Buffalo Ministation from Amazon for £60.

    | Mon 6 Feb 2012 15:25:02 #4 |
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    I've been using a Verbatim 500gb store 'n go for the past year for downloading and editing films. Just the USB lead and it fits in your smallest pocket at £49. Excelent at the job.

    | Mon 6 Feb 2012 16:02:22 #5 |
  6. aldaweb


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    Picked up a 1TB USB3.0 Passport drive for £69 about four months or so back at a PC World. Now £75 and out of stock - expect that to rise! Smaller than the older USB2.0 drives of which I also have a few. Good for keeping ts files on to play when on call at work.

    They seem to have a Toshiba 750GB though for £75 which is cheaper per GB than the 500GB ones

    | Mon 6 Feb 2012 20:12:38 #6 |

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