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HumaxRW message "FAT:Permission denied"

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    I'm trying to use HumaxRW to recover at least something from the disk of a Humax PVR300T that failed recently.

    However, when I run HumaxRW (or HumaxCheck) all I get is the message:
    "FAT: Permission denied"

    Can anyone advise what the message means, and how to progress beyond it? I'm running the programs from an Administrator CMD shell. Platform is Windows 7 64-bit.


    | Sun 21 Jul 2013 17:43:51 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    euphorbia - 4 minutes ago  » 

    However, when I run HumaxRW (or HumaxCheck) all I get is the message:
    "FAT: Permission denied"
    Can anyone advise what the message means, and how to progress beyond it? I'm running the programs from an Administrator CMD shell. Platform is Windows 7 64-bit.

    You probably need to be running as Administrator. Start>All programs>Accessories then rather than left clicking on Command prompt, right click and select "Run as administrator" (note this is necessary even if the logged on user has Administrative privileges).

    | Sun 21 Jul 2013 17:53:44 #2 |
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    Hi Martin,

    Many thanks for the rapid response.

    I can confirm I have an Administrator command window. When I first tried HumaxRW (in an ordinary cmd window) the message was a plain:

    Permission denied

    With an Administrator command window it is now:

    FAT: Permission denied


    | Sun 21 Jul 2013 18:38:10 #3 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    euphorbia - 3 hours ago  » 
    I can confirm I have an Administrator command window. When I first tried HumaxRW (in an ordinary cmd window) the message was a plain:

    Permission denied

    With an Administrator command window it is now:
    FAT: Permission denied

    OK. So what command are you issuing?

    | Sun 21 Jul 2013 22:16:54 #4 |
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    Here is a transcript of the commands I've tried:

    C:\<path-to-sw>\humaxrw-1.15-win32>humaxrw -l 3:
    FAT: Permission denied

    C:\<path-to-sw>\humaxrw-1.15-win32>humaxrw -r -l 3:
    FAT: Permission denied

    C:\<path-to-sw>\humaxrw-1.15-win32>humaxrw -r -n -l 3:
    FAT: Permission denied

    C:\<path-to-sw>\humaxrw-1.15-win32>cd <path-to-humaxcheck>

    C:\<path-to-sw>\humaxcheck-0.10W-win32>humaxcheck.exe -l 3:
    humaxcheck version 0.10W (c) xyz321
    Writes to the Humax disk are disabled
    FAT: Permission denied

    C:\<path-to-sw>\humaxcheck-0.10W-win32>humaxcheck.exe -p -w 3:

    humaxcheck version 0.10W (c) xyz321
    Partition found at 00000010
    Partition found at 2539EAB0
    Partition found at 2541EAB0
    Partition table updated.

    C:\<path-to-sw>\humaxcheck-0.10W-win32>humaxcheck.exe -l 3:
    humaxcheck version 0.10W (c) xyz321
    Writes to the Humax disk are disabled
    FAT: Permission denied



    | Mon 22 Jul 2013 6:33:10 #5 |

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