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Humaxrw not copying recordings with colon in name

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    new member
    Joined: Jul '23
    Posts: 1


    I have recently tried to use humaxrw (version 1.15) to copy some recordings from a 160GB drive taken from a Humax PVR 9150T to a local directory on my PC, which is running Xubuntu 22.04. I could successfully list all of the recordings by 'sudo humaxrw -l /dev/sdb'. If, however, I tried to copy a recording (say recording number 3) whose name contained a colon character, by 'sudo humaxrw -g 3 /dev/sdb', the copy failed giving the error message 'Invalid argument'. The same thing happened if I tried to back up all recordings to a local directory using 'sudo humaxrw -b /dev/sdb', which failed on the first recording whose name contained a colon.

    It seems possible that humaxrw scans the names of recordings and rejects those containing a colon (and possibly other characters). This is, however, unnecessary, in Linux where all characters except null and slash are valid in filenames. Even in Windows, a better solution would be to use an escape character to encode characters like colon or simply to replace those characters by something like a caret (circumflex).

    A workaround was to use the recovery mode by 'sudo humaxrw -r -g 3 /dev/sdb' but this was a bit clumsy as the names of the recordings were lost.

    | Sat 12 Aug 2023 14:46:43 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

    special member
    Joined: Feb '11
    Posts: 4,711


    I would suggest that your best chance of attracting the attention of the author xyz321 is to post in and include an @xyz321 in your post. He is still active on the forums although I don't think he has done anything with humaxrw in recent years.

    | Sat 12 Aug 2023 15:24:02 #2 |

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