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Incomplete recordings when setting from EPG

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    Keith Wadsworth

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    Whenever I set a programme to record from the EPG, my 1800T consistently fails to record the last minute or so. I can use the padding feature but I prefer to use the EPG in case of any broadcast delays. Anyone else experiencing/experienced this ?

    Samsung UE46F6400 3D TV receiver
    Yamaha YSP 2200 soundbar
    Sony BDP S790 3D Blu Ray player
    Humax 1800T

    | Sun 21 Dec 2014 12:02:29 #1 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    Can you check if you have channels with a lcn of 800 and over in your channel lists ?

    | Sun 21 Dec 2014 12:04:40 #2 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    djkj - 1 minute ago  » 
    Whenever I set a programme to record from the EPG, my 1800T consistently fails to record the last minute or so. I can use the padding feature but I prefer to use the EPG in case of any broadcast delays. Anyone else experiencing/experienced this ?

    It would be helpful if you could give a few examples of recordings that had missing ends (program name, channel and time) and what else was set to record at the same time. For what it is worth, we see very few examples of programs with missing minutes at the end.

    | Sun 21 Dec 2014 12:06:49 #3 |
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    Keith Wadsworth

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    Thanks for the swift replies -

    Graham - I did have lcn's of over 800 which I deleted. However, I have just looked again and there are two with lcn's of 790 & 791 so I have deleted these too now although they don't duplicate the channels I've been recording from.

    Martin - programmes I can remember because some have been deleted are :

    Remember Me; BBC1HD; 21:00 - 22:00
    The Apprentice (last 4 weeks only); BBC1HD; 21:00-22:00
    The Secrets of Quantam Physics; BBC2HD 21:00 - 22:00
    Star Trek The Original Series (set to record the whole series; CBS Action; 1800:1900

    There haven't been any instances of 2 programmes set to record at the same time. I've set a programme to record at 12:25 to 12:55 today after deleting those 2 high channels and I'll report back once it has completed.

    | Sun 21 Dec 2014 12:43:16 #4 |
  5. grahamlthompson


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    djkj - 2 minutes ago  » 
    Thanks for the swift replies -
    Graham - I did have lcn's of over 800 which I deleted. However, I have just looked again and there are two with lcn's of 790 & 791 so I have deleted these too now although they don't duplicate the channels I've been recording from.
    Martin - programmes I can remember because some have been deleted are :
    Remember Me; BBC1HD; 21:00 - 22:00
    The Apprentice (last 4 weeks only); BBC1HD; 21:00-22:00
    The Secrets of Quantam Physics; BBC2HD 21:00 - 22:00
    Star Trek The Original Series (set to record the whole series; CBS Action; 1800:1900
    There haven't been any instances of 2 programmes set to record at the same time. I've set a programme to record at 12:25 to 12:55 today after deleting those 2 high channels and I'll report back once it has completed.

    Just deleting them doesn't work. You are likely to finish up with a selection of channels that come from different transmitters (the ones you should be using could be some of the over 800 channels.

    The solution is to identify which transmitter you should be using and the uhf channels it uses for it's Mux.

    Instructions here for HDR FOX T2 (understand your box is a pretty much identical procedure)

    | Sun 21 Dec 2014 12:51:25 #5 |
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    I've only suffered four examples of a recording ending a minute early. They also started a bit early, and were the four episodes of the same series - The Crimson Petal and the White.

    | Mon 22 Dec 2014 9:42:52 #6 |
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    colirv - 24 minutes ago  » 
    I've only suffered four examples of a recording ending a minute early. They also started a bit early, and were the four episodes of the same series - The Crimson Petal and the White.

    That hasn't been broadcast on the BBC for a few years. If this was a Yesterday broadcast then that would account for it as accurate recording has not implemented on Yesterday and Yesterday's playout each day can be a few minutes off either way.

    | Mon 22 Dec 2014 10:10:34 #7 |
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    Ah. Good point. It was on the Drama channel, which again may not have implemented accurate recording.

    | Mon 22 Dec 2014 13:41:31 #8 |
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    Keith Wadsworth

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    Update :

    Well, this issue seems to have been resolved since I did a manual retune of the stations - thanks to graham for providing instructions on how to achieve it. I've done various recordings using the EPG from BBC, ITV and others and they've all completed with no cut thanks to all have contributed

    | Tue 23 Dec 2014 14:07:51 #9 |

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