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Intermittent signal reception

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    For the past month or so, we have experienced problems with reception at regular intervals. For example, we usually switch on the TV at about 4.00 p.m. and almost every day we get a "no or bad signal" indicator coming up and the picture pixilates, freezes or disappears temporarily, together with sound interference. This lasts for about twenty minutes, and then reoccurs at about 6.00 p.m. when the BBC News is on. Again, it last for about twenty minutes/half an hour. If the weather was bad, I could understand it, but it's been really quiet and settled especially this week (since beginning of May 2024). The dish was recently overhauled, and there are no trees interfering with the signal. Being kind of cyclical, makes me think could there be a problem with the satellite system? Has anyone had a similar problem?

    | Sat 11 May 2024 11:01:45 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    It might help if you could tell us which model of Freesat recorder you have please?

    | Sat 11 May 2024 12:54:52 #2 |
  3. FenderBender


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    I think it is an HDR 1100S.

    | Sun 12 May 2024 20:59:03 #3 |
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    Hi slateyman,

    Have you checked that the f plug connectors at rear of box are all tightly secured? Might have come loose when being refitted. John L

    | Mon 13 May 2024 11:40:19 #4 |
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    Thanks for the responses.

    It's a FoxSat HDR unit - not sure about the 1100S, but the manual says FOXSATHDR/400GB if that means anything.

    I've checked all the connections at the back are tight. As of yesterday, the problem is still there.

    The unit is about 14 years old. We had it when we were forced to go digital.

    | Tue 21 May 2024 14:42:49 #5 |
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    Hi Slateyman,

    You mentioned you have had Foxsat pvr for 14 years. Might sound a silly question, but often overlooked. When did you last do a full retune? Might be a worth a try if connections/dish are all connected correctly. If still a problem, might be a faulty tuner, but my guess is either the reception/pvr tuner just needs retuning.

    Another test, is to look at the signal strength/quality across the channels. Should be 100% for quality & strength can vary from approx. 60/70+ towards 100%. Ideally BBC1 HD should be near 100%. Hope this helps. John L

    | Wed 22 May 2024 11:52:36 #6 |
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    Update - 15th July 2024....

    Reception is still intermittent with "Bad or No Signal" coming up at same approximate regular times. Yesterday morning, we were tuned to BBC Radio 2 - no problem. Switched TV on again for lunchtime news - no signal on any channel - Zilch!

    Tried to retune - no satellite signal strength at all - 0%. Being Sunday, couldn't get an engineer out, so watched Wimbledon Final on I-Player instead. Then at about 5.15 p.m., message came up to say "FreeSat Now Available". I've had this before and assumed it was an invitation to watch Freesat through the TV, not via Humax box. However, when I switched to Humax Freesat again, it was working perfectly with no interference.

    Switched on the BBC News this morning and lo and behold, "No or Bad Signal" appeared momentarily, then vanished and all OK since lunchtime.

    I do hate intermittent faults. Any more ideas? I've called the aerial specialist to come back and test everything, but it does seem odd.

    | Mon 15 Jul 2024 14:49:05 #7 |
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    Hi Slateyman,

    Well if you have checked cable connections are ok, reset PVR, then next stage is to check dish lnb. Easy to swap over if you are able to access this yourself, or book an engineer to test for you.

    Ideally before you do this maybe swap PVR over with a friend's and see if the other PVR works first before calling out engineer. Hope you get it fixed. John L

    | Mon 15 Jul 2024 16:52:37 #8 |
  9. Fixdit


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    Here's some thing that has not been mentioned for a while.
    Have you got any tall trees in front of the dish?
    This is known to cause reception problems.
    Opps missed the last bit of your post.

    | Mon 15 Jul 2024 17:09:47 #9 |

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