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iPlayer Not Working

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    I have recently had to change my old Belkin router to one supplied by TalkTalk. The router supplied is a Huawei HG533.

    Iplayer had operated with little bother before I changed the router, but now it's very very tempremental. I have checked the settings on the Foxsat box and they look ok. I'm using the Devolo mains power system, but I'm at a loss as to what the problem may be.

    Are there any special settings on the Huawei router?

    Many thanks


    | Sun 2 Dec 2012 20:55:16 #11 |
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    My advice would be get another router, unless you fancy troubleshooting network problem after network problem. Try to upgrade to something that can be flashed with DD-WRT - if you don't know what that is, look into it and you should realise why you need it. It's so good it can do Wake On WAN, which is almost impossible with any other consumer SOHO router.

    | Wed 5 Dec 2012 11:29:49 #12 |
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    Hope you all don’t mind me jumping in to this conversation (and making my first post) but I’ve gone through a similar problem with my setup a few months ago.

    When I first had my Humax I connected it to my network purely to get any firmware updates for the ‘box’. Then while doing some ‘research’ on another matter came across this forum. The forum provided me with the exact software I needed to copy files over my network to my pc so I could convert ts files into mp4’s.
    Many thanks to Raydon for his most excellent software, it works like a dream.

    So to get to the point, to use Raydon’s software it is best to set a fixed ip address for the box and everything worked fine (including iPlayer) until I changed my router.
    After much faffing about I finally twigged the ‘gateway’ address had changed from to and locked out iPlayer.

    Getting the box to accept the change involved, changing the box network settings manually to the correct gateway, then changing them to dhcp and letting the box pick up all the new settings (switch off and re-boot), then setting the network back to fixed ip again (again switch off and re-boot), the box then accepted the new gateway address and iPlayer started working fine.

    It seems the box can get confused if you change the router without going through this set manual address, re-boot and dhcp re-boot routine. There seems to be no way to just clear the settings and let the box pick up the new setting from your router, without a factory reset.

    In your case you do not need a fixed ip address so just setting a manual one, re-booting and then changing back to dhcp address should restore all the settings the box needs to communicate to the outside world just fine. This will also reset the lease time clock for the dhcp address so the router can re-cycle it if and when needed.

    Good Luck.

    | Wed 5 Dec 2012 19:14:11 #13 |

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