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Is Humax remote control compatible with 4K Box?

(6 posts)
  1. ChrisT


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    Posts: 8


    Is the remote control for the Humax HDR1000s / 1100s compatible with the new Arris 4K Box? If so, do all the buttons work as they should, in particular the Recordings and |<< Skip >>| buttons?

    | Mon 26 Jun 2023 22:56:41 #1 |
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    Hello ChrisT,

    Welcome to the forum. I would have thought no, simply as they are different makes.The 4K is an Arris model & the others as you mention are all Humax. John L

    | Tue 27 Jun 2023 13:02:12 #2 |
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    ChrisT - 15 hours ago  » 
    Is the remote control for the Humax HDR1000s / 1100s compatible with the new Arris 4K Box?

    The answer to your first question is definitely "yes".

    This is based on answers to the commoner question of something along the lines of 'how do I stop my "Arris" and my "Humax" remotes operate each other's boxes?'

    E.g. (See post 13)



    ChrisT - 15 hours ago  » 
    If so, do all the buttons work as they should, in particular the Recordings and |<< Skip >>| buttons?

    For an answer to your second question you could try asking Mikesh via
    or asking on a forum which isn't so Humax centric.

    By the way, Arris isn't the only manufacturer to use the Humax codes of its predecessor in the UK. Sagemcom also use the main Humax code set for its current DTT recorder.

    | Tue 27 Jun 2023 14:50:13 #3 |
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    You learn something new everyday! Thank you Luke for confirming.
    John L

    | Tue 27 Jun 2023 15:57:45 #4 |
  5. ChrisT


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    Thanks, I had seen comments about remote control clashing but I couldn't find confirmation if the Humax remote control offered full functionality with the new Arris box. I'll explore elsewhere if no one here is in a position to test.

    | Tue 27 Jun 2023 16:30:03 #5 |
  6. ChrisT


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    Posts: 8


    Just to update, I can confirm all the buttons on the original Humax remote control, with the exception of the Skip Forward/Back and Recordings buttons, work as they should on the new Arris 4K Freesat box.

    | Wed 26 Jul 2023 17:10:13 #6 |

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