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Is it possible to recover recordings

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    Hi, had a series of power outages last week which resulted in the HDD saying it required formatting which it wouldn't let me do. Attached the drove to my Linus machine and I can see all the recordings and there doesn't appear to be any problem with the file system. It is as though there is no longer a directory for the recordings. I replaced the drive and now at least the humax recognizes the drive. Before I format it is there anyway to recover it. Is there a maintenance mode and can I telnet it ?
    In these current times the recordings are precious.
    If I copy the recordings from the hdd to my PC and copy to USB can I then upload them back to the Humax once the hdd is replaced ?

    | Mon 25 Jan 2021 12:28:13 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    hirot - 18 mins ago  » 
    Hi, had a series of power outages last week which resulted in the HDD saying it required formatting which it wouldn't let me do.

    Please could you tell us what model of Humax recorder you have?

    Attached the drove to my Linus machine and I can see all the recordings and there doesn't appear to be any problem with the file system.

    Have you run fsck?

    If I copy the recordings from the hdd to my PC and copy to USB can I then upload them back to the Humax once the hdd is replaced ?


    | Mon 25 Jan 2021 12:54:38 #2 |
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    The Humax is an HDR-1100s with 500 gb data. I didn't run fsck but I could read, copy and delete files and scanned with Disks/Gparted and the hdd appears to be clean, which is why I wondered if there was some index it keeps about all the recordings. There are 3 partitions on the hdd all of which appear ok.

    You say if copy a recorded tv programme, and I guess the associated files, to a usb I can then load it back onto the Humax via its usb port.

    I tried telnet to communicate with the humax but it didn't allow me.

    | Mon 25 Jan 2021 14:22:23 #3 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    hirot - 40 mins ago  » 
    The Humax is an HDR-1100s with 500 gb data. I didn't run fsck but I could read, copy and delete files and scanned with Disks/Gparted and the hdd appears to be clean, which is why I wondered if there was some index it keeps about all the recordings. There are 3 partitions on the hdd all of which appear ok.

    My advice is to run fsck on all three partitions and see what that thinks.

    You say if copy a recorded tv programme, and I guess the associated files, to a usb I can then load it back onto the Humax via its usb port.
    I tried telnet to communicate with the humax but it didn't allow me.

    Sorry as you hadn't told us what box you have, I was making an assumption that it was a Freeview box. If you can mount both drives on your Linux box then I don't see why you shouldn't be able to copy files directly from one to another.

    | Mon 25 Jan 2021 15:06:19 #4 |
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    Martin, thanks for he reply. Currently copy 263 gb of tv to my pc hard disk....which will take a while.
    Was being a little cautious with fsck as I have to run it stand alone from cd and didn't want to screw anything up.
    Other problem is having a large enough memory stick....unless I can usb connect the humax to my PC.
    Once I have copied all the files across I will format the hdr back on the humax and see what happens.

    | Mon 25 Jan 2021 15:21:20 #5 |
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    Martin, I have used CSK ans SMART and other than a bad sector there doesn't seem to be a problem with the disk. So I tried a new disk and the Humax won't format either of them. The new disk eventually had three partitions put on it but without formatting them. I put ext3 formats on each partition and the humax recognised the disk and the space. I tried to record to it and hey presto the hum,ax didn't recognise the disk and said it required formatting....which it doesn't do at all now.
    I installed the latest s/w and it still does nothing.
    So is there anything else I could do as I really would like to have this box working.
    All this happened after we had a series of power interruptions at 2am.
    I now have a Freesat box but it is really hard work to use the menus which don't really link together and often seem to do what they want.

    | Tue 9 Feb 2021 15:25:25 #6 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    hirot - 2 hours ago  » 
    Martin, I have used CSK ans SMART and other than a bad sector there doesn't seem to be a problem with the disk. So I tried a new disk and the Humax won't format either of them.

    What size hard drive did you use?

    The new disk eventually had three partitions put on it but without formatting them. I put ext3 formats on each partition and the humax recognised the disk and the space. I tried to record to it and hey presto the hum,ax didn't recognise the disk and said it required formatting....which it doesn't do at all now.
    I installed the latest s/w and it still does nothing.
    So is there anything else I could do as I really would like to have this box working.

    It doesn't sound good. It sounds rather like the HDR-1000S problem where the box is unable to access the hard drive; it is believed it is a hardware problem but nobody knows exactly what component is involved. A company called Digirepair in Northern Ireland can repair them but it isn't cheap and somebody here posted recently that the problem returned after a year. Sorry I don't have anything more positive to offer; maybe somebody else has an idea?

    | Tue 9 Feb 2021 18:08:41 #7 |
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    I used a brand new Samsung 256 GB SSD as I had just bought it and thought it should be OK. However, with you asking the question I suspect it wasn't a good idea. I wrongly assumed that a disk was a disk and that its capacity shouldn't be a problem as I had read people put in larger disks.
    I am an ex techie and was hoping to resolve the problem and I don't really think its worth spending money just to be disappointed after a year.
    My plan, if the SSD worked, was to buy a new 512gb disk and use the SSD in my desktop.
    Thanks for the reply.

    | Tue 9 Feb 2021 18:47:48 #8 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    hirot - 17 hours ago  » 
    I used a brand new Samsung 256 GB SSD as I had just bought it and thought it should be OK. However, with you asking the question I suspect it wasn't a good idea.

    No I was just checking that you hadn't fitted a drive greater than 2TB.

    I wrongly assumed that a disk was a disk and that its capacity shouldn't be a problem as I had read people put in larger disks.

    Disk designed for PVRs do have some optimisations in the firmware but non PVR disks should work.

    I am an ex techie and was hoping to resolve the problem and I don't really think its worth spending money just to be disappointed after a year.

    A number of people have sent boxes to Digirepair and I have seen only one report of a subsequent failure but I thought it worth mentioning.

    My plan, if the SSD worked, was to buy a new 512gb disk and use the SSD in my desktop.

    Perfectly sensible. I am a big fan of SSDs in PCs.

    | Wed 10 Feb 2021 12:39:11 #9 |

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