My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » FVP 4000T, 5000T

Is my FVP5000t on or off?

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    junior member
    Joined: Aug '21
    Posts: 6


    This is a observation and not a request. My new FVP5000t has a tiny blue /red led under its base. If fact its so tiny that I just cannot see it from a normal viewing distance. Result is I don't know if its on or off. This may sound a bit trite why bother fitting a on/off led if one cannot see it %$£$%@.

    I wonder how I could make a bit more obvious?

    | Mon 6 Sep 2021 11:35:36 #1 |
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    special member
    Joined: Dec '17
    Posts: 1,006


    A question often asked, for obvious reasons.

    I guess there are probably a number of methods, but mine is to place a thin strip of white card, with a slight kink in it, to lift the near edge up a bit and to face forward, under the front of the box. At the same time I have a couple of shallow blocks (about 4mm) placed under the front edge of the box.

    Works for me, but maybe not for everyone.

    Edit: I have a recollection that some others may have used a bit of kitchen foil in some way.

    | Mon 6 Sep 2021 13:05:08 #2 |

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