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Is Software Required to see content in windows?

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    new member
    Joined: Sep '23
    Posts: 1


    First I am a newbie so I apologies in advance if this topic has already been covered.
    HB1000S and HB1100S

    I am trying to copy content from one Humax HDD to another using computers.

    Max OS says it can't read the HDD but Windows shows that it can when I look in device manager and disk management. In fact it 'says' that it is healthy and working fine.
    However it is not visible in file explorer so obviously I can't open it to read the contents.

    I was wondering if I need special software to make the Humax HDD visible in Windows?

    | Wed 4 Oct 2023 15:14:45 #1 |
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    special member
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    BiyM37St0p-1 - 1 day ago  » 
    I was wondering if I need special software to make the Humax HDD visible in Windows?

    To make the Humax's HDD visible the easiest way is to use a linux Live CD. Although these are refereed to as "CD" they can also be run from USN sticks, and DVDs.

    But this wont help you to do what you want.

    All recordings from the Humax 1000S and 1100S are encrypted with a key related to the Humax they were recorded from. You will also need to crack the encryption.

    | Thu 5 Oct 2023 21:51:52 #2 |

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