Okay so I recorded the Women's football on BBC3 at 7pm on my 5000T, this was successful. Pictures and sound.
I chose to record the two previous intro programmes before the football started so I wonder if that made the difference.
I also set up a recording of BBC 4 at 7pm of Yorkshire Walks (including the BBC 4 intro) and that worked too, pictures and sound.
Set up ITV +1 to record at 9pm, no pictures only sound.
Now for the Aura, recordings set for BBC 4 at 7pm and ITV +! at 9pm, BBC 4 no sound or pictures, ITV +1 sound only.
BBC3 7pm, recording of The Catch Up (10 minutes news programme no pictures no sound)
The womens football recorded with sound and vision, but because of padding time set up in Settings the Aura did record with pictures and sound the last minutes of The Catch Up, which it was not able to do as a standalone recording.
All very bizarre.