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ITV CRID issue

(13 posts)
  1. grahamlthompson


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    Seems ITV have screwed up the CRID recording codes, at least on Freesat.

    Tonight's The Halcyon recorded OK on ITV-HD, it's now recording same episode on ITV+1 SD channel.

    | Mon 23 Jan 2017 23:50:25 #1 |
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    Thanks for the heads up Graham,

    something similar happened the other week on itv2 and Barry was good enough to double check and confirm for a poster that it was in fact broadcaster related

    | Tue 24 Jan 2017 0:44:41 #2 |
  3. Barry


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    Only recorded on ITV HD here.

    | Tue 24 Jan 2017 7:07:31 #3 |
  4. grahamlthompson


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    Barry - 4 hours ago  » 
    Only recorded on ITV HD here.

    Regional Issue perhaps, 2nd recording finished. Both are 59 mins. Got 2 in the schedule for next Monday as well. Booting up Foxsat-HDR to check if same and look at CRID's.

    | Tue 24 Jan 2017 11:11:06 #4 |
  5. grahamlthompson


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    OK on Foxsat - Deleted reservation for HD and re-instated now only have one. A mystery

    | Tue 24 Jan 2017 11:20:33 #5 |
  6. grahamlthompson


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    ITV appear to have screwed up again. Tonights 1 hr special 2nd episode of Emmerdale on ITV-HD stopped at 31 mins.

    Forced to watch the 2nd half in blurry vision ITV catch up.

    Anybody else affected.

    | Thu 23 Feb 2017 23:26:44 #6 |
  7. Biggles


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    grahamlthompson - 28 minutes ago  » 
    ITV appear to have screwed up again. Tonights 1 hr special 2nd episode of Emmerdale on ITV-HD stopped at 31 mins.
    Forced to watch the 2nd half in blurry vision ITV catch up.
    Anybody else affected.

    Same on SD on my 9200 and Panasonic recorders, stopped at just under 30 minutes and 30mins 30 secs respectively.

    | Thu 23 Feb 2017 23:56:43 #7 |
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    Stopped watching it when Henry and Amos were no longer doing breakfasts and Annie Sugden's smiling face was no longer on screen.

    | Thu 23 Feb 2017 23:58:07 #8 |
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    grahamlthompson - 55 minutes ago  » 
    ITV appear to have screwed up again. Tonights 1 hr special 2nd episode of Emmerdale on ITV-HD stopped at 31 mins.
    Forced to watch the 2nd half in blurry vision ITV catch up.
    Anybody else affected.

    The hour was split into 2 thirty minute episodes on both ITV SD and ITV HD. On freeview the second episode did not have a series CRID assigned and therefore needed to be set as a seperate schedule/timer entry by anyone hoping to record it on freeview.

    Anyone recording it on ITV+1 would have been OK as the hour was not split and had the emmerdale series CRID used on that channel.

    | Fri 24 Feb 2017 0:26:53 #9 |
  10. Biggles


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    Luke - 1 hour ago  » 
    The hour was split into 2 thirty minute episodes on both ITV SD and ITV HD. On freeview the second episode did not have a series CRID assigned and therefore needed to be set as a seperate schedule/timer entry by anyone hoping to record it on freeview.
    Anyone recording it on ITV+1 would have been OK as the hour was not split and had the emmerdale series CRID used on that channel.

    Not what you'd really expect, especially if relying on Series-Link.

    | Fri 24 Feb 2017 1:59:51 #10 |

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