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ITV CRID issue

(13 posts)
  1. brian


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    Luke - 17 hours ago  » 

    grahamlthompson - 55 minutes ago  » 
    ITV appear to have screwed up again. Tonights 1 hr special 2nd episode of Emmerdale on ITV-HD stopped at 31 mins.
    Forced to watch the 2nd half in blurry vision ITV catch up.
    Anybody else affected.

    The hour was split into 2 thirty minute episodes on both ITV SD and ITV HD. On freeview the second episode did not have a series CRID assigned and therefore needed to be set as a seperate schedule/timer entry by anyone hoping to record it on freeview.
    Anyone recording it on ITV+1 would have been OK as the hour was not split and had the emmerdale series CRID used on that channel.

    No problem here, my HDR-FOX T2 recorded Emmerdale on ITV HD, the recording duration being just under 63 minutes.

    | Fri 24 Feb 2017 16:45:13 #11 |
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    brian - 29 minutes ago  » 
    No problem here, my HDR-FOX T2 recorded Emmerdale on ITV HD, the recording duration being just under 63 minutes.

    Curious. It was an HDR-FOX T2 that I checked the CRIDs.
    On Wednesday the custom firmware was used to delete all guide programme entries for a totally clean guide and was then left to repopulate normally from Sudbury.

    My Vestel also thought it was 2 thirty minute programmes from Sudbury using ITV HD and only recognised the first 30 minutes as part of the series.

    Its a pity Digital Spy as out for some lengthy maintenance. The soap forum is extremely popular and although not at all a technical forum may have given a hint or two about the reach of the issue.

    | Fri 24 Feb 2017 17:49:50 #12 |
  3. aciddad


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    No problem for me using an FVP-4000T on Waltham (in HD).


    | Sat 25 Feb 2017 17:11:21 #13 |

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