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ITV Hub problem

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    I'm having a problem when trying to watch some ITV Hub programmes. Sanditon and McDonald & Dodds are the current culprits. The adverts start (usually Dominos pizza) then as it goes to the programme it fails with an 'whoops, what's going on here?' message. Occasionally the programme will eventually start after a long wait but then it will fail after the first set of adverts. This is a problem I've seen mentioned with other hardware. Anyone got a solution?

    Manufacturer: Humax
    Model: HDR-1100S
    Software version UKSFAA 3.01.01
    Update Date 24th May 2022
    MICOM version UKSFAA 8.04.01

    I've done all the usual things - reboot box, re-enter ITV Hub code.

    | Sun 10 Jul 2022 18:46:39 #1 |
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    To answer my own question for the benefit of future users.

    Humax have confirmed that the app is broken and won't be fixed. They also no longer make FreeSat versions of their PVR, so that's that.

    | Wed 13 Jul 2022 8:47:08 #2 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Felix99 - 40 mins ago  » 
    To answer my own question for the benefit of future users.
    Humax have confirmed that the app is broken and won't be fixed.

    Something like an Amazon Firestick would be a possible workaround.

    | Wed 13 Jul 2022 9:28:43 #3 |
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    Posts: 133


    It's not just the ITV Hub. I am having issues with Netflix app and setting series link recordings on TV channel CH4.

    Humax no longer have any interest in supporting these Freesat boxes so expect to see more problems that will not get fixed.

    | Mon 18 Jul 2022 7:28:24 #4 |

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