Does the FVP-4000T accept a keyboard?
On one of my Youview recorders I use a mini wireless keyboard. It makes entering searches far easier and also one of the keyboard buttons goes straight to the recording list.
Does the FVP-4000T accept a keyboard?
On one of my Youview recorders I use a mini wireless keyboard. It makes entering searches far easier and also one of the keyboard buttons goes straight to the recording list.
Good question... I'll add this to FAQ
1. You could use the Humax remote app, tablet and phone versions available for android and ios, however I have found that connection can be iffy, not just to the 4000T but other Humax units as well.
2. I took the wireless dongle and keyboard from a PC (already paired obviously) plugged the dongle into side usb port on 4000T and it works.
3. A wired keyboard plugged into side usb also works.
I wonder if it has all the other YouView accessibility features. There was an accessibility update about six months after launch, to meet the accessibility requirements imposed by the BBC Trust as a condition of BBC participation. And indeed YouView seem to have gone the extra mile, not just done the bare minimum.
It would be interesting to know more about the FVP-4000T's accessibility features (if there's any more to know). And is it part of the FP spec or down to Humax.
OK, thanks Barry.
Hi - apart from entering text, and some functioning of the arrow keys, any idea what keystrokes map to which functions of the remote control?
Only wireless keyboards based on WLAN (IEEE 802.11) work.
Wireless keyboards based on Bluetooth (IEEE 802.15.1) do not work.
I have asked for the FAQ to be so updated ...
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