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Linking Humax to other TV's

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    Hiya, Just replaced an old Thomson PVR with a Humax HDR-Fox T2. With the Thomson I was able to have the main UHF Aerial cable go into PVR, then out to a splitter/booster box, which then sent the signal from Thomson to other TV's located around the house so we could watch recorded programmes in any room. Having trouble trying to do the same with the Humax - works OK to main TV, but then that's connected via the HDMI lead. But can't tune any of the other TV's in the house to receive any signal from the Humax. Is it possible to send signal from Humax via the UHF Aerial cable out to a splitter box or do I need to alter any setup etc. Have emailed Humax tech support with same question, but they haven't come back to me
    Any help would be much appreciated!

    Cheers, Col

    | Thu 19 Apr 2012 20:22:38 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Col - 1 hour ago  » 
    But can't tune any of the other TV's in the house to receive any signal from the Humax. Is it possible to send signal from Humax via the UHF Aerial cable out to a splitter box or do I need to alter any setup etc.

    You need to buy a modulator to plug into the SCART socket.

    | Thu 19 Apr 2012 21:49:14 #2 |
  3. gomezz


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    Or re-use any old VCR to do that job.

    | Thu 19 Apr 2012 23:15:58 #3 |
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    Ah-ha, that makes sense as I did have the old PVR connected through a VCR. Thought the Humax had a modulator built in, but maybe not then. Cheers people

    | Sat 21 Apr 2012 8:58:05 #4 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Col - 1 hour ago  » 
    Thought the Humax had a modulator built in, but maybe not then.

    The SD models have a built in modulator but the later HD models do not.

    | Sat 21 Apr 2012 10:15:37 #5 |
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    hmmmm... so, if I got a scart modulator, would that affect signal to other TVs as we've already got pretty poor signal strength in this area? Also, I've read somewhere that some PVRs automatically cut the signal to scart if an HDMI lead is used, does the Humax do this or can it send signal to both at the same time?

    | Sat 21 Apr 2012 17:51:41 #6 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Col - 5 hours ago  » 
    can it send signal to both at the same time?

    Both at the same time.

    | Sat 21 Apr 2012 23:31:53 #7 |
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    I have an 1100s Humax with only the HDMI connection to my main TV. Is there any way I can get the signal to a 2nd TV? Just binned Sky, but managed to connect it to 2 other TV's by the aerial connection to the one in the kitchen, and a video sender to the TV in the bedroom ! I miss having the TV in the kitchen, as I spend so much time there ! Any help greatly appreciated

    | Tue 29 Dec 2015 22:39:28 #8 |
  9. grahamlthompson


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    Resqdogs - 11 hours ago  » 
    I have an 1100s Humax with only the HDMI connection to my main TV. Is there any way I can get the signal to a 2nd TV? Just binned Sky, but managed to connect it to 2 other TV's by the aerial connection to the one in the kitchen, and a video sender to the TV in the bedroom ! I miss having the TV in the kitchen, as I spend so much time there ! Any help greatly appreciated


    | Wed 30 Dec 2015 10:29:15 #9 |

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