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Lip sync, turn off, scrolling & crashing probs!

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    Hi all, glad I found this forum

    I sent the below email to humax in desperation and they have ignored it. Wonder if you guys can help?
    Hi humax

    I really hope you can help, your box is driving me mad

    I've recently bought an HDR1010s after leaving sky.

    Overall I'm pleased but please help me with the following

    1, when I turn my TV off the hdr1010s box turns off. (They are connected via hdmi)
    I don't want this to happen as I have the box connected to another TV in another room via the scart so I need the hdr1010s to remain on. How do I disable this feature?

    2, the lip sync on itvHD is out but it's only this channel. I'm loathed to change the lip sync milliseconds setting just to watch one programme and then change it again to watch another programme later. Is there anything I can do about this? Is the next software update likely to include minus milliseconds and not just plus?

    3, when I try to delete an entire series of program's rather than one program the box crashes and switches off. Have I got a faulty box that needs replacement?

    Finally is there any way to turn off the scrolling title it's very distracting when trying to watch the tv!
    I look forward to your reply

    | Wed 14 May 2014 19:16:03 #1 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    Hi welcome to the forum.

    1 Firstly the box turning off is the down to the HDMI CEC control system. You need to locate the option in the TV set up menus. Sadly the same system has a different name depending on the TV maker. Sony for instance call it Bravia Synch, Panasonic - Viera Link. Note turning it off will mean that you lose the auto selection on the TV when you turn on the box. You will have to manually select the correct HDMI port. As for you this feature makes the facility useless, for instance if you use the radio capability and turn on the TV to view the channel selection and then turn it off and your amp goes off as well - ouch.

    2 As you are using a TV for the Audio, try turning off the surround sound option in the HDR1010s TV setup menu.

    3 Not normal, try making a note of the recording schedule and carry out a reset to factory defaults.

    4 You can't afaik turn off the scrolling display.

    | Wed 14 May 2014 19:44:39 #2 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Cmmolloy1 - 48 minutes ago  » 
    3, when I try to delete an entire series of program's rather than one program the box crashes and switches off. Have I got a faulty box that needs replacement?

    How many programs in the series are you trying to delete at once?

    | Wed 14 May 2014 20:05:03 #3 |
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    Joined: May '14
    Posts: 46


    I'm a newbie, so don't have much knowledge, but with regards to (1), the way I get around that is to have one of those switchable power socket thingies (like this:, where turning on/off one device will control others. So for example I turn my TV on and my amp and a few other bit come on too (same when I turn them off). Would this help or have I missed the point? there is an over-ride switch too as well so you can turn this feature on or off. with this, you could turn of the CEC feature mentioned.

    I'm sorry I can't help with anything else.

    Hope that helps.

    | Sat 17 May 2014 13:00:59 #4 |

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