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load a usb

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    Joined: Mar '11
    Posts: 15


    I wondered about the HDR power capacity - will go for a powered device. Thanks.

    I noticed from an entry in March 2009 on another forum that it is not possible to record directly onto an external drive, but is possible to play back directly (with 'protection' problems with HD files). Has anyone found any constraints on playback throughput?

    | Sat 17 Sep 2011 22:56:06 #11 |


    special member
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    There are no problems playing back encrypted files on the HDR. The problems you read about occur if playing, for example, an encrypted file on USB stick on a PC (or via the network using raydon's oddons)

    | Sun 18 Sep 2011 4:07:59 #12 |
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    Have now gone for a 1TB Seagate SATA internal drive, housed in a Max Value USB 2.0 Combo Hard Drive Enclosure for IDE or SATA Hard Drives. As suggested, I downloaded EASEUS Partition Master, which proved very easy to use, and it took less than an hour to partition and format the new drive to EXT3 (4kB cluster size as all files are large). I am currently transferring all my recorded films from the Humax PVR internal 500GB drive to the Seagate drive via the rear USB port. In retrospect, I might have gone for a 2TB drive ...

    I already had one Max Value housing used with a 1TB internal drive for backing up all my computer files, and this is very quiet (no fan). It has a useful power switch, is separately powered, and the aluminium housing results in the unit never getting more than warm - continuous use of the new unit has not changed that.

    Thanks for all your help.

    | Tue 27 Sep 2011 10:07:16 #13 |
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    Help. Ive just got a foxsat pvr ( all new to me ) and I'm trying to transfer recorded files onto a USB stick. It sees the stick but I cannot transfer any files. The green 'copy' button never comes on. Is this a usb stick formatting issue? I'm pretty good on computers but Im lost when you start talking about reformatting to FAT32 or EXT3 ???? or downlaoding partition software???. Surely as there is a usb slot on the machine it should accept a shop bought usb stick?
    Can anyone help?

    | Wed 19 Oct 2011 8:14:10 #14 |
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    Even though I didnt get a reply I've been able to solve the problem thanks to info on the forum. I did find a usb stick in FAT32 format ( and found out how to format other sticks ) and am at the moment copying files onto it.

    | Wed 19 Oct 2011 8:43:55 #15 |
  6. Barry


    senior admin
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    Welcome to the Forum

    Glad you appear to have found info to help.

    | Wed 19 Oct 2011 11:18:42 #16 |

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