My Humax Forum » Freeview SD » PVR 9150T, 9200T, 9300T

Locked up!!!

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    new member
    Joined: Apr '13
    Posts: 1


    Please can ayone help, I have had a PVR9300T since Feb 2012. It has been mostly trouble free until 2 days ago it froze up while watching a recorded programe, nothing we did would change the state. After powering off, leaving unplugged overnight the unit is now in a loop where it shows the loading screen(gets to 97%)then goes to a dark grey screen with horizontal lines, then ablack screen for a few mins then starts again.
    I hope someone can help

    | Mon 1 Apr 2013 16:05:08 #1 |
  2. Biggles


    special member
    Joined: Apr '11
    Posts: 621


    Switch OFF and disconnect from the mains.
    Disconnect the aerial.
    Reconnect the mains and switch ON.
    If it now comes on and stays stable go into the Installation menu and do a Default Setting.
    Switch OFF and disconnect from the mains.
    Reconnect the aerial.
    Reconnect the mains and switch ON.
    If it now comes on and stays stable go into the Installation menu and do another Default Setting.
    The machine should now work again.

    Note, disconnecting from the mains before disconnecting/reconnecting the aerial is to comply with the Humax warning sticker on the machine somewhere.

    | Mon 1 Apr 2013 16:27:06 #2 |

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