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Loose RF IN socket . . .

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    new member
    Joined: Nov '24
    Posts: 1


    Good afternoon.
    I have a very loose RF-IN socket on my Humax FVP-5000T which often interferes with signal. A slight bump to the Co-Axial cable will often stop the signal from getting through and requires a lot of wiggling and positioning to get working again.
    I was wondering how easy it would be to fix or reseat from the inside, if it's easy to access once the box is opened and if it requires any soldering.
    There seems to be a lack of schematics online for how the box is set up from inside and only a couple of basic instruction videos on Youtube, where someone shows how to replace the internal hard drive.
    I understand that opening the box will void the warranty, but it's well out of warranty now anyway.

    | Sun 17 Nov 2024 15:49:58 #1 |
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    junior member
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    Posts: 5


    I had a loose socket on my Fox but not so the signal was compromised. I epoxied a small wooden piece with a hole around the socket as a preventative measure.

    | Sun 17 Nov 2024 17:20:28 #2 |
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    special member
    Joined: Dec '17
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    If you look closely at the 'RF in' socket on the box, you should find that the centre pin of the plug fits into a corresponding socket consisting of two semicircles separated by small gaps. The two halves may have got separated too much by the plug getting pulled a bit sideways at some point, making the pin become a loose fit.

    If you have a small pair of pliers, gently squeeze the two sides together a bit and see if that improves matters.

    | Sun 17 Nov 2024 22:34:13 #3 |

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