My Humax Forum » Freesat HD » HDR 1000, 1010, 1100S

Losing WiFi connection

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    I set my new 1010s up out of the box, and immediately configured it to connect wirelessly to my router. This worked first time without any issues and I was able to use all the on demand services without any issues.

    A couple of days later when i turned my box on, I found it was not connected to WiFi, and when I tried to connect I was asked to re-enter the PW.

    After some testing, I have found that if the WiFi connection is ever lost for some reason then the 1010s will ask me to re-enter the PW before it connects.

    Any ideas why this may be?

    | Wed 27 Nov 2013 8:32:00 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Is your SSID hidden?

    | Wed 27 Nov 2013 9:52:52 #2 |
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    No it's not hidden. When i have to reconnect to the network it sees my SSID in the scan list

    I have approx 6-7 other wifi devices (Android, Ipad, internet radio, PCs/Laptops) none of which have this issue.

    | Wed 27 Nov 2013 9:57:49 #3 |


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    On your router can you see what the DHCP lease period is and if so can you change it?

    | Wed 27 Nov 2013 11:08:47 #4 |
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    Thanks for the suggestion, I will try this when I get home.

    I would not have thought though that the DHCP lease timer would cause the 1010s to seemingly "forget" the WPA2 password and force me to re-enter it every time it reconnects.

    Nonetheless, I will try hard-coding an IP address to the 1010s in the router DHCP config and see if that improves things.

    | Wed 27 Nov 2013 11:17:14 #5 |
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    Yes, try setting a static IP address for your Humax Box. This usually resolves any issues of password if the connection is dropped for any reason.

    | Wed 27 Nov 2013 16:18:41 #6 |
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    Assigning a permanent IP to the 1010s on my router's DHCP config appears to have fixed the issue, thanks for the suggestion.

    Seems a bit of workaround though, i wonder why the 1010s doesn't like beinge assigned a different IP each time?

    | Thu 28 Nov 2013 16:23:15 #7 |


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    Corbain - 2 hours ago  » 
    Assigning a permanent IP to the 1010s on my router's DHCP config appears to have fixed the issue, thanks for the suggestion.
    Seems a bit of workaround though, i wonder why the 1010s doesn't like beinge assigned a different IP each time?

    A DHCP lease has a finite lease period, most routers will assign a updated address at 50% of the lease period. I do not know how these units work together however.

    | Thu 28 Nov 2013 18:39:03 #8 |

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