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Loss of BBCiPlayer on Foxstat+ HDR

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    I am Trashcooky, a Forum Newbie so hope I am not breaching any protocols initiating this post here.

    Apparently my Foxstat+ HDR will no longer process the new format BBC iPlayer as BBC stops supporting iPlayer on this older model this month.

    Although I don't know for certain, I believe this is something to do with a change in the screen resolution BBC have now adopted for the iPlayer.

    I am aware there are custom firmware packs available for some Humax devices.

    My Question is:

    "Can I re-flash my Foxstat+ HDR firmware and get BBC iPlayer back or is the hardware and memory inside this model simply not up to it?"

    | Tue 6 Sep 2016 11:47:23 #1 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    It's nothing to do with the resolution. The very old version of iplayer used on the Foxsat (MHEG) is no longer supported by the BBC. There is no chance that Humax would spend time and money on developing new software (even if the box is up to it, which I doubt it is).

    Get a NOW TV box and let the trial subscription run out. It will give you all the catch up services and particulary the BBC in much better quality.

    Welcome to our forum.

    | Tue 6 Sep 2016 13:13:47 #2 |
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    Thanks grahamlthompson for the information about the file format change which I didn't have prior knowledge about..

    Regarding your comment that Humax are unlikely to waste their time writing new firmware/software to resolve this issue, I fully understand that as it would detract from sales of new boxes anyway.

    My query is regarding "Customised" firmware/software created by developers fluent in Linux? I know these packages exist and how to apply them as an update. I also would like to specifically establish if the hardware and memory in the Humax Foxstat+ HDR is sufficient to allow and cope with such an upgrade if/when a developer considered writing such firmware to make available to forum members who are also in this situation.

    Regarding NOW TV, why would I want to pay for such if I can revive my Foxstat? If I can't resolve the issue by customisation then I will probably end up buying a newer Humax box.

    Thanks for your help.

    Hope there are some more specific answers to my problem forthcoming.

    | Fri 9 Sep 2016 11:56:47 #3 |


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    The custom firmware adds new applications into the Linux environment and thus complements the Humax firmware.

    | Fri 9 Sep 2016 13:18:00 #4 |
  5. grahamlthompson


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    Trashcooky - 4 hours ago  » 
    Thanks grahamlthompson for the information about the file format change which I didn't have prior knowledge about..
    Regarding your comment that Humax are unlikely to waste their time writing new firmware/software to resolve this issue, I fully understand that as it would detract from sales of new boxes anyway.
    My query is regarding "Customised" firmware/software created by developers fluent in Linux? I know these packages exist and how to apply them as an update. I also would like to specifically establish if the hardware and memory in the Humax Foxstat+ HDR is sufficient to allow and cope with such an upgrade if/when a developer considered writing such firmware to make available to forum members who are also in this situation.
    Regarding NOW TV, why would I want to pay for such if I can revive my Foxstat? If I can't resolve the issue by customisation then I will probably end up buying a newer Humax box.
    Thanks for your help.
    Hope there are some more specific answers to my problem forthcoming.

    A NOW TV box gives you a lot more catch up services and in far superior quality (especially ITV player which is dire on a foxsat). For less than £20.00 seems a no brainer to me. Your Foxsat won't last for ever, you can use the NOW TV box long after the Foxsat bites the dust.

    As repassac says the CF allows some linux applications to be added to the box. I doubt the box has enough processing power to add an app supporting the new version of iplayer nor the built in support for the required protocols. By all means ask on the thread linked, Raydon (The CF developer) should know if it's possible. Sorry to say I think you are on a hiding to nothing.

    A Foxsat running the CF is way more versatile than the newer totally locked down freesat boxes.

    | Fri 9 Sep 2016 16:23:30 #5 |
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    Thanks for your help guys.
    I am from that old school who think things should last forever.
    Never mind.


    | Sat 10 Sep 2016 12:15:38 #6 |
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    I purchased a Humax FOXSAT-HDR freesat in 2010 and it has been working perfectly. However within the last few weeks I have been unable to use BBC iPlayer and unable to update the software for the Humax.

    As this item cost me over £200.00 and is only six years old - does this mean that the Humax Box is now obsolete? As a poor old pensioner I am more than a little miffed that Humax have not seen fit to provide an update.

    Should I now just ditch this box altogether and purchase this NOW TV thingy that has been mentioned in earlier posts?

    Do I just scrap the Humax box and only use the NOW TV item and attach this to my Panasonic TV?
    Any advice appreciated.

    | Sat 15 Oct 2016 22:39:00 #7 |
  8. andyfras


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    Your best solution is to keep your Foxsat for recording, and buy a Now TV box for catch-up - it has the advantage of working across all the main channels, not just BBC.

    | Sun 16 Oct 2016 9:08:33 #8 |
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    Hi WOOdsmoke,

    Whilst I understand your views regarding BBC iPlayer, tbis is not Humax's fault. As Graham mentioned in an earlier post the BBC have updated the way in which the service is encoded.

    With regard to the Foxsat HDR, I have been using one trouble free for many years. I consider it a well designed and reliable DVR, just look at these forums relating problems with newer more complex models.

    Oh, and I am also a "poor old pensioner".

    | Sun 16 Oct 2016 9:11:39 #9 |
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    Thank you andyfras for your advice.
    Interestingly, I have just examined my Panasonic TV in more detail and discovered that there is a BBC iPlayer App which I have just started to use.
    It's amazing what you can learn when things start to malfunction!
    I will see how I get on before purchasing NOW TV.

    | Sun 16 Oct 2016 9:18:48 #10 |

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