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lot of issues 5000t

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    I am constantly having to reboot as it won't turn on using the handset, broken signal so can't watch recordings, getting a message that says recording failed due to loss of power however this is not the case as we were watching a different channel and the power did not go off this happened five times last night, if recording three channels won't let me watch a forth, sometimes if you go into the settings some of the settings don't come up

    | Tue 12 Oct 2021 11:17:50 #1 |
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    Sounds like the remote may be the cause of the problem with not switching on. Watch the red light on the button and if it doesn't flash, that is the problem. If you can get it apart, you can clean the pads with a cotton bud. Taking apart is a struggle, but possible.

    Regarding the apparently failed recordings, it may just be that there was a brief signal glitch part way through and that it plays ok with a tiny bit of pixelation for a moment. That can cause the broken recording icon or that message to be shown.

    | Tue 12 Oct 2021 21:54:28 #2 |
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    Regarding the other two issues raised:

    The availability of a fourth channel to watch while recording three depends upon which channels you are recording and trying to watch. There are only three tuners, so if they are all in use recording from channels on different Mux (or channel groups) and you try to watch one on another Mux, there is no tuner available to do it.

    Also, some settings are not available while you are recording.

    | Wed 13 Oct 2021 7:33:49 #3 |
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    You can only record four programmes at the same time if two of them are broadcast on the same multiplex. Example: You could record (standard definition) BBC1, ITV and Sky Arts at the same time without a problem. (These channels are on 3 different multiplexes). Try to record from Talking Pictures at the same time won’t work - it is on a 4th multiplex. You should be able to record from BBC2 or C4 - only 3 multiplexes will be in use.

    Certain menu items are unavailable when you are, recording. I can’t remember which ones are greyed out. Probably anything to do with formatting disks, scanning for or editing channels.

    I’m assuming you watch live TV using the TV and not the Humax (I don’t). Are you sure the TV and Humax are both correctly tuned to the same transmitter? Check your Humax to see if there are channels listed in the 800s. This would suggest you are receiving signals from more than one transmitter. If that is the case it is possible your TV has the strongest signal and the Humax the weakest. If the signal is weak you might get the symptoms you describe.

    Edit: sorry for duplication of other contributor - we must have been writing and posting at the same time.

    | Wed 13 Oct 2021 7:47:58 #4 |
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    EEPhil: It sounds to me as if Anne watches live tv using the Humax, otherwise the problem with watching a fourth while recording three should not be an issue.

    | Wed 13 Oct 2021 8:02:41 #5 |
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    A1944 - 1 hour ago  » 
    EEPhil: It sounds to me as if Anne watches live tv using the Humax, otherwise the problem with watching a fourth while recording three should not be an issue.

    Quite right, I misread that. Strange, as that is what I do. Also strange as I have had similar recording problems recently and the “power failure” problem was obvious on live viewing through the Humax. Every time a double decker bus went past the signal dropped out and the Humax reported power failure rather than signal failure. Jiggling some wires around and putting a signal booster in sorted my problem (fingers crossed).

    | Wed 13 Oct 2021 9:29:52 #6 |

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