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Ludicrously sloppy programming of HDR FOX T2 - losing timers on re-tune

(15 posts)
  1. musictechguy


    Joined: Oct '12
    Posts: 25


    I can't believe that all timers are lost when doing a channel re-tune on the HDR FOX T2. Lots of other PVRs only lose timers on channels which change during this process (e.g. Topfield running MyStuff). I'm a programmer myself and I can't believe that Humax can't write a simple bit of code to keep timers on channels which haven't changed in the re-tune. What sort of people are they employing?

    | Wed 17 Oct 2012 19:23:07 #1 |
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    musictechguy - 20 minutes ago  » 
    I can't believe that all timers are lost when doing a channel re-tune on the HDR FOX T2. Lots of other PVRs only lose timers on channels which change during this process (e.g. Topfield running MyStuff). I'm a programmer myself and I can't believe that Humax can't write a simple bit of code to keep timers on channels which haven't changed in the re-tune. What sort of people are they employing?

    In the main, Korean people I would think, but if you install the custom firmware you need never lose your timers again.

    | Wed 17 Oct 2012 19:47:10 #2 |
  3. Reisser


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    I agree!

    I am so annoyed as I lost the live episode of Emmerdale tonight,and some other programmes, due to the flipping thing carrying out a retune even though I had done it earlier!

    I kept getting the pop up box and didn't realise it would automatically carry out a retune wiping out my timers if I didn't put it in standby.

    | Wed 17 Oct 2012 21:39:22 #3 |
  4. Reisser


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    Isn't custom firmware for the Foxsat?

    | Wed 17 Oct 2012 21:40:49 #4 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Reisser - 1 hour ago  » 
    Isn't custom firmware for the Foxsat?

    No; there is (different) custom firmware for FOXSAT and the HD Freeview boxes.

    | Wed 17 Oct 2012 23:08:54 #5 |
  6. musictechguy


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    raydon - 12 hours ago  » 

    musictechguy - 20 minutes ago  » 
    I can't believe that all timers are lost when doing a channel re-tune on the HDR FOX T2. Lots of other PVRs only lose timers on channels which change during this process (e.g. Topfield running MyStuff). I'm a programmer myself and I can't believe that Humax can't write a simple bit of code to keep timers on channels which haven't changed in the re-tune. What sort of people are they employing?

    In the main, Korean people I would think, but if you install the custom firmware you need never lose your timers again.

    So what's the story on the custom software? I guess unsupported by Humax. How many use it?

    | Thu 18 Oct 2012 8:44:39 #6 |
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    So what's the story on the custom software? I guess unsupported by Humax.


    How many use it?

    See for yourself, have a look HERE.

    | Thu 18 Oct 2012 15:48:06 #7 |
  8. musictechguy


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    raydon - 16 hours ago  » 

    So what's the story on the custom software? I guess unsupported by Humax.


    How many use it?

    See for yourself, have a look HERE.

    Looks great. But I think I'll stick to the native code.

    | Fri 19 Oct 2012 7:48:41 #8 |


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    Opps - deleted - did not notice this was a T2 thread.

    | Fri 19 Oct 2012 8:27:30 #9 |
  10. brian


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    musictechguy - 1 day ago  » 
    I can't believe that all timers are lost when doing a channel re-tune on the HDR FOX T2. Lots of other PVRs only lose timers on channels which change during this process (e.g. Topfield running MyStuff). I'm a programmer myself and I can't believe that Humax can't write a simple bit of code to keep timers on channels which haven't changed in the re-tune. What sort of people are they employing?

    You say that "Lots" of other PVR's lose timers when retuning, yet only mention One, and that one is running additional software to make it behave that way. A Topfield running native firmware also loses it's timers when retuning, so what are these "Lots" of other PVR's then?

    It has already been pointed out to you that the customised firmware will allow you to back up and restore your scheduled timers.

    | Fri 19 Oct 2012 9:00:19 #10 |

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