grahamlthompson - 22 hours ago »
Mcmad - 9 minutes ago »
Have set up some additional recordings to try and get back up to around 1500 and have told her to take a picture of any error messages in future.
Was mainly recordings that were cleared out, only have been 1 or 2 schedules that were removed although why the box now keeps schedules indefinitely in the list is beyond me.
Largest number of items recorded in a series is 169.
Will feed back once i get back up to 1500.They aren't indefinite. The broadcasters have an arrangement where CRID codes can be recycled after not being used for 13 weeks. If they don't pick up any new recordings after 13 weeks they get auto deleted.
Sorry, worded that badly, i meant that unlike previous boxes the 4000T doesn't seem to delete the schedule after the 13 weeks