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Menus just keep scrolling!

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    Something odd has started happening which basically left my hdr1010 useless for now.
    Last night I couldn't get the Home menu up, then it came up, went off, came up, went off, etc etc etc...Pressing 'back' I managed to get the Home menu to stay up. But then pressing down to try to get the Recordings, it just loops through all the options (settings, recordings, tv, on demand etc), and never stops. Pressing up does the same in the other direction!. Back or exit will stop it. But other than Exit to get full screen tv, any button just goes into a loop like I'm holding the button (only faster it seems to me).
    If I press 1, the channel will go 1111 channel doesn't exist, 1111 channel doesn' exist, etc etc.....
    I'm stuck on bbc1hd!

    I changed the batteries in the remote, no difference.

    Not sure what to do now, is it screwed? I've had it a few years.

    thanks Guy

    | Fri 9 Jan 2015 12:29:31 #1 |
  2. -gonzo-


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    The best thing to try would be a factory reset.

    | Fri 9 Jan 2015 13:02:07 #2 |
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    is there a way of doing that without the menus?

    | Sat 10 Jan 2015 0:19:20 #3 |
  4. -gonzo-


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    No you need to access the settings menu.
    You could try unplugging from the mains for around 10 mins and see what happens when you plug back in again.

    | Sat 10 Jan 2015 2:32:22 #4 |
  5. Barry


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    happylemon666 - 10 hours ago  » 
    is there a way of doing that without the menus?

    Yes, upload a default file (resets unit)

    If you want to try this then I can send link to latest version via PM, your call.

    | Sat 10 Jan 2015 10:23:01 #5 |
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    yes please Barry, as it's impossible via the menus. If I ever manage to get it to stop at Settings, it goes straight into Parental Settings and asks for a pin. I either go to cancel, press OK, which just loops out then back into into enter a pin screen. Or I enter a single 0, it fills out all 4 0s. I press ok, but cannot do anything else other than back, which just goes several steps back out of the menu to full screen.

    I an wondering if it's the remote still though, as I've dropped it loads and the front has come off.


    | Sat 10 Jan 2015 19:19:06 #6 |
  7. Barry


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    happylemon666 - 16 hours ago  » 
    yes please Barry, as it's impossible via the menus.

    Check your PM's for the link Guy.

    | Sun 11 Jan 2015 11:39:06 #7 |
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    thanks Barry, but no joy. Can't enter post code now. You can see problem here if it gets posted Notice the 2 'S' whcih came from trying to get a single 'R'. I tried using a foxsat hdr remote and that had same problem.

    Which leads me to another question (I'll start a new thread if you want, I had a look but couldn't find the answer). I have a foxsat hdr with a broken HD, so I was thinking I could just put the hdr-1000 disk into the foxsat box and bob's your uncle? or will it need all the linux formatting steps (which is why I never got round to just replacing the old disk in the first place).

    thanks again, Guy.

    | Sun 11 Jan 2015 15:09:35 #8 |
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    well, dunno what went on here. I removed the box and put back in place my old foxsat-hd and used a lot of catchup via the xbox. Even that had a funny remote problem where it only worked from right in front of the box (same with the tv!) Then suddenly it stopped playing up and started working a treat.

    I therefore decided to give the 1000 another chance, and it's completly fine now. A complete mystery!

    | Sun 1 Feb 2015 10:54:10 #9 |


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    If you get a reoccurrence try using the Foxsat remote with it.

    | Sun 1 Feb 2015 12:16:01 #10 |

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