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Some interesting news for 9150/9300 owners soon

(37 posts)
  1. Barry


    senior admin
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    Sorry, a bit of a tease post I know, but watch this space for more details re 9150/9300 as soon as I can announce them.

    | Wed 13 Jul 2011 14:31:53 #1 |
  2. grahamlthompson


    special member
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    Another Scoop, you aren't bugging Humax's phones are you

    | Wed 13 Jul 2011 16:14:44 #2 |
  3. savvy


    Joined: Mar '11
    Posts: 32


    Barry, just seen this, now you've got me very curious.

    I'm still a 9300 user, for occasional clashes not resolvable by my Foxsat HDR. We are not DSO until 2012, so not invested in an HDR FOX T2 for Freeview HD yet.

    | Wed 13 Jul 2011 16:28:24 #3 |
  4. Barry


    senior admin
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    Bit of a delay in bringing you more news but, new software (V26) available from Beta site for the 9150/9300...

    • Resolve Individual Series Recordings disappearing from the schedule
    • Improved accurracy for programmes that start early
    • Improved schedule priority
    • Improved Recording failures due to broadcaster changes
    • Improved Network Change Descriptor process

    Edit: I have slightly changed the thread title.

    | Mon 18 Jul 2011 12:26:51 #4 |
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    Richard MQ

    Joined: Jun '11
    Posts: 15


    Looking forward to trying this as soon as I can persuade the wife to let me. We have so many instances of Series Recordings disappearing that it's driving us mad.


    | Mon 18 Jul 2011 17:24:15 #5 |
  6. Barry


    senior admin
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    I would suggest that anyone uploading this carrys out a default or at least resets all timers.

    | Mon 18 Jul 2011 20:16:59 #6 |
  7. Barry


    senior admin
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    Not a lot of interest then, you must all have upgraded to HD

    Will probably be available from the global download site tomorrow, this is an official release, OTA's to be arranged.

    | Tue 19 Jul 2011 9:28:22 #7 |
  8. savvy


    Joined: Mar '11
    Posts: 32


    Barry - 31 minutes ago  » 
    Not a lot of interest then, you must all have upgraded to HD
    Will probably be available from the global download site tomorrow, this is an official release, OTA's to be arranged.

    Hi Barry, I'll have to wait until it's OTA, I'm afraid.

    Upgrades via serial stopped working on my laptop when I upgraded to W7. I tried all sorts of new drivers for the USB to Serial adapter, but eventually gave up, I just couldn't get it to work again using either WDNOAK or Martin's utility If only the USB port had been used for upgrades, Oh well

    Thanks for the info, though

    BTW, I'm impressed that Humax have carried on working on this for the 9150/9300s, when the Frevview HD boxes must be taking a lot of their attention. From your description I take it that this will improve/fix the "Early Start/Late Running Bugs" often discussed by creddish & Big-les on the other forum, usually seen on recording all the 3 early evening soaps.

    | Tue 19 Jul 2011 10:03:39 #8 |
  9. Barry


    senior admin
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    Hi Les, I found some drivers for my usb to serial, Sweex is the brand name, and using this and Formula Neo I managed to upload using Win 7 fact I have just done it again to confirm Prolific is another brand of usb to serial.

    On the tests I have performed so far using The One Show, Emmerdale, and Loose Women as they all usually start early, the results have been on a par with the Foxsat and T2 units, certainly wothin a few seconds if not the same. There is one that I have not had an instance of as yet - text from a post by creddish on DS:

    If the programme you are recordings runs later than it's scheduled time and you also have another consecutive recording set to start at the same scheduled time on another channel and this second recording starts on time or late then the first recording will be terminated at it's scheduled end time and you will miss the end of the first programme to the extent that it overruns it's scheduled end time.

    | Tue 19 Jul 2011 10:49:08 #9 |
  10. savvy


    Joined: Mar '11
    Posts: 32


    Hi Barry,

    Yes, mine is a Prolific, and their W7 drivers didn't do it.

    I'll wait patiently for OTA - good to know it brings it up to the accuracy of the Foxsat HDR, I can't think of many, if at all, ends/beginnings I've missed on AR on my HDR, other than broadcaster errors.

    | Tue 19 Jul 2011 13:48:21 #10 |

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