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Missed recordings

(15 posts)
  1. mhargreaves

    Mark Hargreaves

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    Posts: 175


    Do people get many missed recordings?

    I have a couple of things on series record and went away for 16 days. When I came back, only the first week had recorded.

    Also I had a recording which failed to occur last night, with no notification that anything had failed.

    | Fri 26 Aug 2016 8:00:04 #1 |
  2. mhargreaves

    Mark Hargreaves

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    I have to add - I have not had many missed recordings up until the past couple of weeks.

    | Fri 26 Aug 2016 8:14:10 #2 |
  3. grahamlthompson


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    Was your recording schedule still intact after returning from holiday ? If not it could be down to a auto retune event.

    Do you have padding enabled on recordings or set to auto ? This is another possible reason that would require some testing to see if this is the issue. On other Humax boxes there was an issue with using padding for longer than a week. When using padding the box wakes up at the set time and shuts down at the set time. Unlike using auto which wakes up 15 mins before a programme is due to record and during this time the epg is refreshed. With padding a effected box never gets to update the epg so the epg shrinks by one day every 24 hrs. After 7 days no epg is left so recording stops until the box is manually booted. The solution is simple set a daily power on and power off timer for 15 mins to enable the epg to update.

    | Fri 26 Aug 2016 8:24:49 #3 |
  4. mhargreaves

    Mark Hargreaves

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    Posts: 175


    Yes the recording schedule was still intact.
    I think the padding is set to auto but will check.

    | Fri 26 Aug 2016 13:14:18 #4 |
  5. grahamlthompson


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    mhargreaves - 56 minutes ago  » 
    Yes the recording schedule was still intact.
    I think the padding is set to auto but will check.

    The other thing to check is that you haven't got programmes in the epg with channel numbers over 800. If so you are tuning into more than 1 transmitter. This does produce failed recordings. If you have, manual tuning the box is required.

    | Fri 26 Aug 2016 14:13:12 #5 |
  6. mhargreaves

    Mark Hargreaves

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    Posts: 175


    I had another missed recording this morning. It was recording when we went to bed last night (was showing in the recordings screen with a red circle) but had disappeared when we switched on this morning.

    | Sat 27 Aug 2016 8:42:08 #6 |
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    A bit of detail could help to stat identify what the issue is.

    Which channel were you last watching last night?
    Which channel were you attempting to record?
    Why do you think it was actually recording?
    Did you switch it to stand-by when you left it last night?

    | Sat 27 Aug 2016 9:47:25 #7 |
  8. mhargreaves

    Mark Hargreaves

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    I was recording the proms last night (BBC 2 HD I think).
    I was watching on demand netflix.
    I think it was actually recording because there was a 'thumbnail' in the recorded programmes list which had a red circle in the corner.
    Yes I switched to standby when I left it last night.

    | Sat 27 Aug 2016 10:40:15 #8 |
  9. mhargreaves

    Mark Hargreaves

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    Over the weekend, I had a thought about this last missed recording. I think it was actually on BBC Four so I may have selected to record the HD version. I just noticed that BBC Four HD has no programme information with it (I retuned before the Olympics but haven't retuned again after them!). This is probably the reason for the missed recording - it was recording nothing!

    | Mon 12 Sep 2016 8:06:57 #9 |
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    I have had 2 failed recordings in the last couple of weeks both , "recording failed due to power fail". My box is connected to a UPS so definitely no power fail. Both times same program different days. Robot Wars 04:00 - 05:00, but only got 04:00 - 04:05 recorded.

    | Sat 17 Sep 2016 6:26:38 #10 |

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