My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » FVP 4000T, 5000T

Missing/disappearing program information

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    Joined: May '15
    Posts: 14


    On both my 4000T & worse on my 5000T going to the guide many channels have "No program information" the current programs are shown and on some channels there are more programs listed. If you keep the box on watching something or listening more information is populated but then sometimes if you go back to the guide information that was there has disappeared. The 5000T is a replacement under warranty box received last week with latest firmware installed during my setup. Signal strength varies from 50 to 80% but with a quality of 100%. Any ideas?

    | Tue 7 Nov 2023 9:04:18 #1 |
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    There is probably nothing wrong with your boxes. This seems to be something many (all?) of us see with the 4000T/5000T.

    Sometimes I have found that clearing the cookies helps, particularly with the catch up EPG, but not always.

    | Tue 7 Nov 2023 10:02:40 #2 |
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    To clear cookies:

    Go into the menus using the "F" button on the remote and select "Players". You will find a button in the top right corner marked "i". Select that and you will have the clear cookies page. From there, press "+" (NOT OK) and then follow the prompts to exit.

    | Tue 7 Nov 2023 10:05:00 #3 |
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    Thanks A1944 I will try that tonight.

    | Tue 7 Nov 2023 16:41:04 #4 |
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    Clearing the cache hasn't improved things on the 4000 or the 5000:-(
    How long does it normally take for the program information for the week ahead to be populated from a reset/power on?
    I understand this varies but some idea e.g. 2 minutes or 20 minutes or 2 hours would be very useful.

    | Mon 27 Nov 2023 17:31:52 #5 |
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    I've had a 4000 for a few years now, and this started only recently. The only satisfactory method I've found is to disconnect and reconnect the power at the mains; it's no good just using the "on/off" switch on the 4000 as that just puts the machine into standby.

    | Wed 29 Nov 2023 15:02:09 #6 |
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    Look for the topic "FVP 5000T Programme guide"

    | Wed 29 Nov 2023 15:51:48 #7 |

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