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Move recordings to another folder

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    What is the best way to move recordings to a given folder on the 4000T?

    I have recordings of different episodes/series of the same programme spread across many different folders. I would like to put them all into one folder to make it easier to identify which is which.

    Is it possible and, if so, what is the best way to do it?

    The only thing I could think of was to transfer them to an external USB stick or drive.

    | Wed 18 May 2022 20:52:29 #1 |
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    If you are referring to recordings you've made on the 4000T they are all stored in the one directory.The 4000T somehow identifies some series files as being in a folder, but they are not really. There must be a hidden file somewhere that contains this information but we cannot access it let alone change it. So, as far as I know there is no way to move them to a different folder. You could move them to USB, but what would this achieve? All the moved files would be in the same directory on the USB drive. If you rename, move or otherwise mess with the files on the USB it won't be recognised properly when you next reconnect it to the Humax.

    SD recordings that you may have already saved to USB (as ts files) and possibly then converted to mpg or mp4 format is a different matter. You can use ftp to upload to the "download" area of the Humax disk, where you can create folders. If you do this you have to access the files through the Media menu item not recordings, and no EPG information can be accessed - which is probably not what you want.

    | Thu 19 May 2022 8:25:48 #2 |
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    Thanks. I thought that was probably the case

    | Thu 19 May 2022 9:08:51 #3 |

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