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Moving files between humax and external hard drive

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    Martin Liddle

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    grahamlthompson - 2 hours ago  » 

    If I remember correctly EXT2 works on USB flash memory but not proper hard drives.

    That doesn't sound right to me. EXT2 and EXT3 use the same file system structure but EXT3 adds journalling support for greater robustness. I used EXT2 formatted drives for years without problems. Can you provide any evidence to back up your recollection?

    | Mon 8 Feb 2016 12:50:23 #11 |
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    Correct link. Yes if stored on NTFS only playable from PC. Don't forget by default write access is disabled on EXT2FS.

    Graham could you please note the significance of this for me...?

    That doesn't sound right to me. EXT2 and EXT3 use the same file system structure but EXT3 adds journalling support for greater robustness. I used EXT2 formatted drives for years without problems. Can you provide any evidence to back up your recollection?

    I am pretty sure that first of my external drives was formatted with EXT2 and has been working with the Humax fine but I will check.

    | Mon 8 Feb 2016 13:38:16 #12 |
  3. grahamlthompson


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    Martin Liddle - 1 hour ago  » 

    grahamlthompson - 2 hours ago  » 
    If I remember correctly EXT2 works on USB flash memory but not proper hard drives.

    That doesn't sound right to me. EXT2 and EXT3 use the same file system structure but EXT3 adds journalling support for greater robustness. I used EXT2 formatted drives for years without problems. Can you provide any evidence to back up your recollection?

    Might have been fixed by a later software release. Way back there was lots of posts about EXT2 not working but EXT3 did.

    Found this post from 2008

    I have a Linux machine so formatted a external hard drive to ext2 but the HDR would not recognise it so I used fat32format and it worked fine. More details are here:

    Unfortunately most of the info on this was lost when the website shut down with no data back up.

    | Mon 8 Feb 2016 13:54:06 #13 |
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    Correct link. Yes if stored on NTFS only playable from PC. Don't forget by default write access is disabled on EXT2FS.

    Graham could you please note the significance of this for me...?

    | Mon 8 Feb 2016 14:02:04 #14 |
  5. grahamlthompson


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    kevvyb - 23 minutes ago  » 

    Correct link. Yes if stored on NTFS only playable from PC. Don't forget by default write access is disabled on EXT2FS.

    Graham could you please note the significance of this for me...?
    That doesn't sound right to me. EXT2 and EXT3 use the same file system structure but EXT3 adds journalling support for greater robustness. I used EXT2 formatted drives for years without problems. Can you provide any evidence to back up your recollection?

    I am pretty sure that first of my external drives was formatted with EXT2 and has been working with the Humax fine but I will check.

    It may have been fixed now. I haven't used a USB drive with my Foxsat for a long time. The CF made it redundant.

    | Mon 8 Feb 2016 14:02:25 #15 |
  6. grahamlthompson


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    From Digital Spy December 2008.

    25 Dec 2008 - 9 posts - ‎6 authors
    Originally Posted by son_t. The HDR supports FAT16/32 and EXT2/3 (although EXT2 has been found not to work). Because it is not supported!

    | Mon 8 Feb 2016 14:05:34 #16 |

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