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Mssg - On Demand is Not Currently Available

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    junior member
    Joined: Oct '14
    Posts: 6


    This message comes up when On Demand is selected from the home menu. It has been a transient problem for a few weeks but today is particularly persistent.

    What is odd about this is:
    - The box is connected to the internet. It says it is. Reconnecting changes nothing.
    - Powering the box down and back up after a minute has no effect.
    - I have rebooted the router and checked that both agree on the local IP address for the box.
    - Showcase will access On Demand players
    - CatchUp TV will access On Demand players, and not just BBC and ITV. If you are lucky you can rummage about a bit, get to the home screen for these players, and go from there. Can't see how to get YouTube though.
    - TV Portal Apps work - For what it's worth
    - I can even pair my Freesat box to a Freesat account

    Through all this the On Demand option in the home menu says the box isn't connected to the internet.

    I am loath to try a new setup for the box as I would have to reenter all my scheduled recordings.

    A similar but not identical problem to mine appears in numerous posts on numerous sites over a long period of time with no clear answer as to why. This is a great little box. Silly that Humax doesn't fix these problems. Any suggestions for fixes or other workarounds?

    | Sun 19 Oct 2014 16:14:18 #1 |
  2. grahamlthompson


    special member
    Joined: Feb '11
    Posts: 14,442


    It's the same for myself and JamesB and I guess others. I can access catch up using the backwards epg. I will see if I can get Youtube to work on my HDR1000S via my smartphone and post if it does.

    I would wait and see what tomorrow brings.


    Youtube can be accessed via a smartphone or tablet.

    | Sun 19 Oct 2014 16:24:38 #2 |
  3. Barry


    senior admin
    Joined: Feb '11
    Posts: 11,052


    Thread closed, please continue conversation in similar thread already open:

    | Sun 19 Oct 2014 17:09:54 #3 |

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