I have an FVP 5000T running 1.03.51 firmware and receive transmissions from Tunbridge Wells Castle Hill.
This afternoon I had scheduled recordings of 27 Dresses (Channel 4 HD 1450-1700) and Octopussy (ITV HD 1455-1730). At about 1700 I noticed that the PVR was in standby. After turning it back on I was able to find out from an FTP directory listing that both recordings had stopped at exactly the same time (16:27:07).
Does anyone know what could be the cause or had a similar thing happen? Occasionally I've had single recordings stop a minute after starting which I assume is caused by the broadcaster mucking up the accurate recording signals, but this seems different.
The ideas that came into my head were
1) A power cut - discounted as I had been using my computer all afternoon and would have noticed the desk lamp go off.
2) Could a temporary loss of signal stop a recording? - To test this idea I started a manual recording and then unplugged the aerial for 30 seconds but found that the recording kept going.
So I'm stumped. Any ideas?