My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » FVP 4000T, 5000T

My problems

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    john1 - 50 mins ago  » 
    Actually, John Lewes is so wrong. If they don't know, perhaps the should stay silent. As on this occasion they Obviously don't .
    Humax still has the FVP4000t & FVP5000t ( which is still in production )
    Both of these Models are Freeview Play.
    I believe that they are designing a new model which will also be Freeview Play.

    Well you got that wrong!

    I didn’t say that John Lewes told me about production. I heard that elsewhere. Nor did John Lewis.

    John Lewis told me nothing about production, only that I was the third customer that day with a faulty Humax box.

    | Tue 14 Jan 2020 13:40:43 #11 |
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    Sorry, I must have read your post wrong.
    I thought you meant that when you took the box back.
    John lewes told you that Humax don't make freeview play now.
    Which is wrong because they do.

    | Tue 14 Jan 2020 19:42:14 #12 |

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