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My new Manhattan T4-R faults (latest firmware)

(2 posts)
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    new member
    Joined: Jun '24
    Posts: 2


    Hi I had the following problems with this new model.
    Dropping wifi connection (contacted support no solution)
    Unit occasionally not acknowledging RC power on request (had to un plug and re boot to correct)
    On 2 occasions after powering down unit and tv both turned back on during the night (definitely not ghosts)

    In all fairness when it’s stable it’s a great replacement for our old BT box

    | Sat 15 Jun 2024 15:43:35 #1 |
  2. Barry


    senior admin
    Joined: Feb '11
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    Adminstrator 'Barry' has merged this topic 'My new Manhattan T4-R faults (latest firmware)' with topic 'What do people think of the Manhatten T4-R'.

    This topic is now closed. You can follow the merged topics by clicking here: What do people think of the Manhatten T4-R (start of merged post).
    | Sat 15 Jun 2024 19:42:36 #2 |

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