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What do people think of the Manhatten T4-R

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    Hi, I have seen a few reviews and first looks at this new box from Manhattan. What are people's initial thoughts on it in comparison with the Aura?
    Like like it's set to be released possibly July/August.
    one of the features I can't find mentioned, is how many tuners it's got and how many programmes it can record at a time. This would probably be the main things for me at the T3-R could only record 2 at once. So I'm hoping the new T4-R can match the Aura.


    | Wed 28 Jun 2023 19:17:34 #1 |
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    Hi james_uk,

    Welcome to Humax forum.

    Have you read this link?:

    It hasn't been released yet, hopefully sometime in August. Not sure if the box will record more than 2 channels, I can't see any info on this, but might be worth you contacting Manhatten to find out more details. The box interface for the T3 is very much like the Youview EPG screen plus extra features, but still no Remote App. John L

    | Thu 29 Jun 2023 15:56:11 #2 |
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    james_uk - 21 hours ago  » 
    I have seen a few reviews

    Where did you see the reviews?
    Where they real reviews of just click bat created from some publicity blurb?

    james_uk - 21 hours ago  » 
    What are people's initial thoughts on it in comparison with the Aura?

    The information is too scant on T4-R for now and so perhaps better the devil you know?

    james_uk - 21 hours ago  » 
    Like like it's set to be released possibly July/August.

    Their web site currently states August 2023. It's been updated at least a couple of times.

    james_uk - 21 hours ago  » 
    one of the features I can't find mentioned, is how many tuners it's got and how many programmes it can record at a time. This would probably be the main things for me at the T3-R could only record 2 at once. So I'm hoping the new T4-R can match the Aura.

    A couple of iterations ago on the T4-R page of the Manhattan's web site it did state that they were expecting the non-hardware dependant improvements of the T4-R on to the T3-R and stated that the T3-r would feel like a new machine. Obviously that backward porting doesn't include having more than 2 tuners, but if I were in the market for a replacement PVRs a second hand T3-R may win out over the Aura or T4-R, but until we get some firm details of the T4-R and also the updates to the T3-R it's all a bit too vague for me to compare.

    | Thu 29 Jun 2023 19:42:17 #3 |
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    Just had an update, and it’s disappointing. Only “record 2 and watch one” programmes, so twin tuners like the T3-r. Release date now Jan-Feb 24. Can’t help feeling they missed the boat with the hardware update. I guess with so much on catch-up they don’t feel the need to add a third tuner.

    | Fri 8 Dec 2023 16:15:24 #4 |
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    Well I can only speak about the T3-R model. I recently managed to purchase one used & so far very impressed! The operating system is clearly very well thought out. Many attention to detail features: green icon showing on epg that tv programme was previously scheduled, but not recorded again, more enhanced option to enable you to skip an epsisode to avoid a clash & not have to cancel all series scheduled, there's a trash bin, so if you change your mind, you can retrieve recording/s. Compares well to the Youview pvr, but without title icons on recording tabs. I think the newer model has a cleaner interface, but maybe Manhattan will also update older models inc. T3-R with same interface/features?

    The newer T4-R looks like it will be future proof equipped for the new internet channels coming next year. Hopefully new model T4-R will be as good, if not a more improved experience. But from what I can read, still only records 2 channels. Might be mainly due to overloading processor? But I would have thought a Quad core processor would cope well, depends on hard drive. Will the new T4-R have a SSD drive or still be using a SATA 2.5 hard drive?

    I find that sometimes the T3-R can be slightly sluggish when fast fwd/rwd at 32/64 on playback while recording 2 channels at same time. But overall I think Manhattan have a brilliant pvr design. But still waiting the EPG universal search & also the Mobile App. Humax you have serious competition! John L

    | Sun 10 Dec 2023 8:50:50 #5 |
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    jdlfreetime - 3 hours ago  » 
    I think the newer model has a cleaner interface, but maybe Manhattan will also update older models inc. T3-R with same interface/features?
    The newer T4-R looks like it will be future proof equipped for the new internet channels coming next year. Hopefully new model T4-R will be as good, if not a more improved experience. But from what I can read, still only records 2 channels. Might be mainly due to overloading processor? But I would have thought a Quad core processor would cope well, depends on hard drive. Will the new T4-R have a SSD drive or still be using a SATA 2.5 hard drive?
    I find that sometimes the T3-R can be slightly sluggish when fast fwd/rwd at 32/64 on playback while recording 2 channels at same time. But overall I think Manhattan have a brilliant pvr design. But still waiting the EPG universal search & also the Mobile App. Humax you have serious competition! John L

    Just before Manhattan placed its announcement on its web site that the T4-R/T4 would be arriving in July 2023 it did include a bit of detail concerning the T4-R which also had a mention of the T3-R. What they posted was that they would be back porting the non-hardware new functionality to the T3-R and that this would make the T3-R look, and feel, like a new machine. Personally I think that was a little optimistic and that cord busters comparatively watered down version was more realistic.
    Hopefully, if Manhattan do manage to back port functionality to the T3-R it won't significantly slow the T3-R performance.

    jdlfreetime - 3 hours ago  » 
    But from what I can read, still only records 2 channels.

    As rafletcher posted in post #4, Manhattan has confirmed that the T4-R is a 2 tuner recorder, or at least the equivalent of one. On the Manhattan website, for the T4-R it does state: "the ability to record two programmes while you watch a third".

    jdlfreetime - 3 hours ago  » 
    ...the T3-R... But still waiting the EPG universal search & also the Mobile App.

    As it was 6 months ago, or more, that Manhattan had on their website that initially T4-R will not have a remote app, I do wonder if that as now progressed, (and I do know that the cord busters have recently re-stated that it won't be included initially).

    | Sun 10 Dec 2023 13:04:02 #6 |
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    Will it have DLNA?

    | Sun 10 Dec 2023 19:26:57 #7 |
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    I have used the Humax boxes ever since the Toppy finished, but the Humax suffers with freezing & reboots, well mine do!
    I hope the Manhattan TR4 is better?
    Any problems like this with there TR3?

    | Mon 3 Jun 2024 17:59:15 #8 |
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    I was going to look at the TR4 but am not going to leave it, mainly just due to only being able to record 2 programmes at a time.

    That has pretty much done it for me, I probably would have given it a go if it was the same amount as the Aura.

    I think Manhattan have certainly missed an opportunity to take over the Aura by limiting this function.

    I know everyone is different and has different needs, but for what the box it, it's a pretty big feature.


    | Tue 4 Jun 2024 9:40:52 #9 |
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    I've just received my 500GB T4R. My FVP5000T is dying. Somedays it doesn't recognise the HDD and if it does see it, it loses sight of it later. Possibly an overheating problem

    First impressions on the T4R are good. Yes, it only has 2 tuners, but I have taken to watching anything worthwhile on the BBC through iPlayer. The FVP5000T (and now the T4R) is as a way of skipping adverts.

    Menus, guides etc are clear. Reponse times seem OK (but very little is on the HDD)

    Set up was a doddle, and it has sucessfully connected to my WiFi

    The downside -
    1. No Netflix, Prime, Disney etc. But this is not a real problem as my TV does all of those (except ALL4 which the T4R does do!)
    2. My OneForAll remotes don't (yet) have support for the T4R, but I will try the T3R coding and, if all else fails, "learning" from the T4R remote to the OneForAll

    Just a word of warning. I received the first one from Amazon yesterday. I had to give an OTP to the driver. As soon as I took the package, I said to him that it felt too light so we opened it together. Gel packs inside!! He took it away and I am being refunded. When the second one arrived, I made the driver put it on the my kitchen scales before I touched it, then I gave hime the OTP and made hime wait while I opened the package and checked the contents.

    | Tue 11 Jun 2024 9:35:11 #10 |

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