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Need a new HDD or is it time for a new recorder?

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    My Foxsat which has a 1TB WB10EURX drive and on custom firmware 4.1.3, will not boot, so disconnected HD drive and boots as normal. Removed drive to connect to laptop and DiskGenius reports warning so there are bad sectors. Not sure it's worth using repair software. I have a spare WD10EARS but not sure if this is suitable or what price a suitable drive will be, £30?

    So is now the time to retire the Foxsat to just a viewer and get the latest Humax recorder which at least will have iplayer for now?

    | Fri 8 Mar 2019 18:21:21 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    locky - 8 minutes ago  » 
    My Foxsat which has a 1TB WB10EURX drive and on custom firmware 4.1.3, will not boot, so disconnected HD drive and boots as normal. Removed drive to connect to laptop and DiskGenius reports warning so there are bad sectors.

    Can you explain a bit more; are these bad sectors that DiskGenius can't repair? What does the SMART data for the hard drive say?

    | Fri 8 Mar 2019 18:32:41 #2 |
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    like crystaldisk it has a box which is green/yellow/red and displayed warning/yellow. there are a number of single line reports below this and two are in yellow relating as far as i can remember to bad/reallocated sector both about 200.
    it is currently running a repair which is taking a long long time and means i cant access the report. not sure what smart data refers to as hardly ever had to investigate drive problems. the wd10eurx is 8 years old.
    it was taking a long time to boot last year so i carried out a repair using the custom firmware gui and that seemed to imrove the boot time. but yesterday it wouldnt boot.

    | Fri 8 Mar 2019 20:04:33 #3 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    locky - 2 hours ago  » 
    like crystaldisk it has a box which is green/yellow/red and displayed warning/yellow. there are a number of single line reports below this and two are in yellow relating as far as i can remember to bad/reallocated sector both about 200.

    Let us know the full output from Crystal when it has finished. It might be better to try and squeeze a bit more life out of the hard drive as there is rumoured to be a new Freesat box launching later this year.

    | Fri 8 Mar 2019 22:34:19 #4 |
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    Thanks for the info on a new box.

    Will the WD10EARS work if the current drive turns out to be unrepairable?

    I just checked my posts and the last time was 5 years ago when i installed the 1TB WD10EURX,

    | Fri 8 Mar 2019 22:58:13 #5 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    locky - 1 hour ago  » 
    Will the WD10EARS work if the current drive turns out to be unrepairable?

    Hopefully someone else will answer that question as I don't know enough about the FOXSAT to be sure.

    | Sat 9 Mar 2019 0:17:53 #6 |


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    An WD10EARS should be OK (SATA 3 G/bs), If you had a link on one of the pins on the WD10EURX you will not need it.

    I suggest you use a PC to delete all partitions before inserting it in the Foxsat.

    | Sat 9 Mar 2019 5:39:13 #7 |
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    I linked pins 5/6 on the WD10EURX. Will try the WD10EARS this weekend as the repairing software is slow and will take days on an old pc.

    | Sat 9 Mar 2019 8:57:19 #8 |


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    WD10EURX is a SATA 6 G/bs which is why you needed the jumper.
    Don't use it with your WD10EARS.

    | Sat 9 Mar 2019 9:42:03 #9 |
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    Installed WD10EARS, no jumper and seems to be working. Only issue was that i couldnt resize photo/music, adjusted slider to 2gb, it formatted but still shows 25gb. Not sure if this is due to cfw 4.1.3.

    I gave up trying to repair the WD10EURX as it was going to take days.

    Is there a quicker way to try and repair drives?

    | Mon 11 Mar 2019 12:52:16 #10 |

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