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Need RCU code for Sandstrom TV model S24FED12A

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    Mike Fry

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    I have bought a Humax Freesat box HB1000S and wish to program the Freesat Humax remote control unit (RCU) to control the TV. (So as to need only the Humax RCU to control both the Humax Freesat box and the TV) The Humax manual recommends to do this and gives the RCU programming codes for many TVs but does not list Sandstrom. I am looking for the 3-digit code for the Sandstrom TV model S24FED12A. Can anyone provide this?

    Would be much appreciated.


    | Mon 20 Jan 2014 13:40:20 #1 |
  2. Barry


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    Welcome to our Forum

    This is a long shot, but in an effort to help....

    Believe this to be a DSG own brand and therefore maybe a vestel clone. You could try the codes for Bush, Goodmans, Grundig or even Vestel.

    | Mon 20 Jan 2014 14:01:22 #2 |
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    Barry - 19 hours ago  » 
    You could try the codes for Bush, Goodmans, Grundig or even Vestel.

    If that fails you always have "try and fail" option. It's only a 1000 combinations... Shouldn't take you long...

    | Tue 21 Jan 2014 9:10:33 #3 |
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    Barry what is the try and fail option.

    | Fri 7 Feb 2014 16:44:27 #4 |
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    Don't know correct English expression for this, but what I've meant was start with 000 and carry on 001, 002, 003..... till right code is fined......

    | Sun 9 Feb 2014 19:30:29 #5 |
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    junior member
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    Thank's will try that

    | Sun 9 Feb 2014 19:40:20 #6 |

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