My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » FVP 4000T, 5000T

Need to leave 500t on to watch tv

(11 posts)
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    Joined: Dec '13
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    A1944 - 39 mins ago  » 

    jdlfreetime - 2 hours ago  » 

    rexleroy - 4 hours ago  » 
    Any help would be appreciated
    My freesat box no longer works.I have fetched my 5000t out of retirement
    My problem is the tv will not work unless the box is left on.
    Tv Panasonic Oled Picture quality is very good,But if I turn the box off the tv will say no signal after five minutes
    Please make replies simple I’m 84 years young

    Hello Rexleroy, welcome to the forum.
    Assuming you have unplugged box (have you unplugged & tried this?) and still problems, maybe try a factory reset should fix problem & may save you time in long run to trace fault? But remember to note down your recording schedules as these are cleared + also take a note of App passwords. Recordings will still remain on hard drive. Hope you get it resolved. John L

    Presumably you are referring to the Freesat box as the issue with the 5000T has been resolved.

    Yes A1944, I was indeed referring to his original question, as with all pvrs, sometimes it's quicker to do a factory reset/or at first unplug unit & leave for 15/30min. Hopefully rexleroy has started to resolve his problem and can enjoy using box tonight. John L

    | Thu 13 Apr 2023 15:03:46 #11 |

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